Elemental Signs

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Ruled by the planets, Mercury, Venus and Uranus, Gemini, Libra and Aquarius make up the Air Signs of the Zodiac. Known for their energy and quick minds, they are the most communicative, intellectual and sociable signs of the zodiac. They can be sharp as a tack, with razor like minds. They can however appear aloof and unemotional at times.

Gemini – Chatty and intellectual but have a tendency to live on their nerves. Easily bored, they are naturally inquisitive and curious. Their dual nature can be problematic, especially in love. They have excellent communication skills and very witty.

Libra – Diplomatic and romantic. They hate to be alone and love to be appreciated (overly so). They can be very indecisive and too laid back at times. They make great friends but do expect a lot in return.

Aquarius – Independent, aloof/friendly, cool and calm in a crisis. They are intensely private and can appear sometimes appear unapproachable. They are strong humanitarians, but can be emotionally withdrawn. They have a tendency towards eccentricity.

The Air Signs are represented in the Tarot as follows:

Gemini – Knight of Swords (Also the King of Pentacles), The Lovers

Libra – Queen of Swords (Queen of Pentacles), The Empress, Justice

Aquarius – King of Swords, The Star

The Page of Swords can represent any of the Air Signs but if the person is over the age of 22 years then they are bound to be showing signs of immaturity. They may also be feeling young at heart. The Page can also be a representation of their childhood.

Remember these are just guidelines, and the Air/Sword Court Cards can represent any of the 12 Signs. However the person represented, be they a Taurean, Leo or Cancarian, will be displaying personality traits or aspects of the Air Element/Signs. Once the profile fits, regardless of the person being a Capricorn or Piscean, they will obviously have a lot of Air in their personality make-up. This display of Air may be transient or fixed.


Ruled by the planets, Mars, The Sun and Jupiter, Aries, Leo and Sagittarius make up the Fire Signs of The Zodiac. The Fire signs are the most energetic and enthusiastic personalities in the Zodiac. Never happy to sit still, they need constant movement and stimulation to prevent boredom, frustration and impatience from setting in. They are generally dynamic, charismatic and have a strong magnetic quality about them. They draw people to them like moths to a flame and are generally the centre of attention at a party. They like to be noticed, and often view themselves as superior to others. They live life in the fast lane, wanting to get where they are going fast. Those who inadvertently get in their way, may find they get run over in the mad rush. They are very career driven, ambitious and are known to be extremely competitive. Their competitive nature can at times border on ruthlessness.

The negative aspects of the Fire Signs can be seen in their tendency to be self-absorbed and selfish at times. They like things to go their way and can be quite pushy when confronted with opposition. Winning, being first, and being the best, means everything to them and they may not be too concerned about how you feel. Their natural assertiveness can turn to aggressive force when they are challenged. Tempers can flare easily and a short fuse is often evident.

Enthusiastic, energetic, active, passionate, hot-headed and dynamic, they need challenges, movement and action to stay balanced and positive. With a strong desire to achieve, they are often very successful in life.

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