The Star 17

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(To Follow)

Astrological Association – Aquarius- Fixed sign of Air.

After the storm of The Tower comes the calm of The Star. In many ways The Star is like the Temperance card in that it offers a relief from struggle and a time to heal. However, The Star takes us that bit closer to our goal.

A naked woman kneels at a pool of water. The woman pours water from two jugs, one into the pool and the other onto the land. Eight, eight-pointed stars sparkle in the sky with the central star larger and more defined than the rest. In the background an Ibis sits on a tree.

This pool of water is the same pool that The High Priestess sensed behind the veil. It is the same pool that the Angel in Temperance rested her foot in. The pool represents the Collective Unconscious or Universal Memory. It was Carl Jung who first popularised the theory of a Universal Data Bank that stored the memories of the evolution of man from the dawn of time. It holds records of every single individual and all the lives they have lived. It is believed that under certain circumstances such as meditation or hypnosis, this memory bank can be accessed and great wisdom and enlightenment can be attained. This theory backs the idea that we are all connected on a spiritual level. that we all have access to the same knowledge and that we have the ability to share that knowledge. It is believed that whenever we think a thought, it has a ripple effect which spreads out throughout all of mankind and the planet. If those thoughts are negative or aggressive, the energies created and sent out will infiltrate and affect the energy field of every person in the world. If enough people create these negative thoughts, such as those caught up in war, terrorism, corruption etc. then the impact on humanity will be great, instilling fear, suspicion and hatred in mankind. Of course the opposite is also true and that is why wise Spiritual Teachers will always advise you to watch your thoughts for they belong not to you alone, but to everyone.

The Collective Unconscious also explains why, when someone invents something, or comes up with a wonderful idea, then you can be sure that there are others in the world, and sometimes not that far from them who will come up with the same invention or same idea at the same time. They have all accessed by one means or another this Universal Memory Bank. In The Star we see the woman take her inspiration from the large pool and gives life to it in the real world by pouring it onto the earth. She knows that others have been through similar ordeals to hers and have managed to survive so she must learn from them and put it into practice in her own life. Notice though that some of the water drains back into the pool. By doing this she allows others to access the wisdom, inspiration and knowledge that not only she has gained from the pool but also what she has contributed. By doing so she is helping others to help themselves heal just as she is doing at present.

Based on the above we can, among many other meanings, associate The Star with humanitarian issues, inspirational creativity and ideas.

After The Tower has ripped those things away from us that were holding us back and blocking our vision, The Star awakens us to our new uncluttered environment and our True Calling in life. For the first time in a long time we have the space to see exactly where we are and where we are going when The Star appears. All the things that we were so worried about holding onto in The Tower are now gone and we can take a cleansing deep breath.

The Star brings Liberation and Freedom after chains of The Devil and the shock of The Tower. The very fact that the woman is wearing no clothes symbolises that she no longer has anything to hide. After the mask she wore in The Devil was ripped off her in The Tower, she is now free to be herself and show the world who she really is. She now understands that most of her life has been a facade, behaving and doing things to please others and to keep up with everyone else. In The Star she becomes aware of her unique personality. There is a great sense of peace in just being allowed to do what she wants and be whoever she wants to be. She no longer has to prove anything to anyone. She is proud of herself and has a strong sense of self-worth. "This is me, this is who I am".

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