Five and Sixes

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Fives in The Minor Arcana represent change and the need for change. The energy of Five changes the order of things for either good or bad. Unlike most other cards in tarot where the Upright aspect is deemed to be more positive, the Five changes this pattern by being more positive when Reversed. Five just has to be different, or difficult! When Upright, it can be rigid and narrow as it resists change or struggles with it. When Reversed it becomes all-embracing and accepting. However, because Reversed Cards can be extreme, the conflict of the Upright can become intense. Alas, due to Five's overriding erratic nature, both the Upright and Reverse aspect can bring great extremes. The orientation of Five dictates the manner in which it deals with or approaches change. The change brought about by Five is often unexpected or chaotic.

After a period of stability, building resources, consolidation and preparation, the Universe shifts gear and jolts the Four Suits back into mainstream life once more. Change is needed to shift them out of individual ruts, mind-sets, lifestyles and behaviour. Up until now, they may have felt somewhat in control of life and had a certain idea of how things would run for the rest of their journey. The arrival of the energy of Five throws curve balls at them from out of the blue, some traumatic and destabilising. Some may have felt the energy of Five building over a period of time and are not totally surprised by the turn of events, while others remained blissfully ignorant of the rapidly approaching upheaval in their lives. Like a runaway train, Five comes hurtling down the tracks, eager to cause as much disturbance as possible. However, every cloud has a silver lining, even the Five Cloud. What is one person's misfortune can turn out to be someone else's gain. Also, without Five, the Suits would never fully appreciate the oasis that Four and Six offer, or the sense of achievement gained in the Ten. Without challenge, the Suits will not progress and evolve, the full human existence not truly experienced.

The effect of the energy of Five on the Four Suits is interesting to observe but also gives us excellent insight into how these archetypal characters respond to challenges and difficulties. They have all experienced a few bumps along the way but apart from the Suit of Swords in Card 2, 3 and 4, it is really their first taste of disruption or loss. If they had hoped for a clear run and smooth travel throughout their Suits they are sadly delusional. This is life in the full human sense. No one can march through it untouched.

Kabbalistic Tree Of Life

The Four Fives reside in the 5th Sephira, Geburah (Severity/Strength/Judgement/Power). This Sephira brings with it restrictions, chaos and upheaval. Restrictive and eliminating, it can force energy to die if deemed obsolete or unworthy. It holds great authority and judgement over what can stay and what must go. Old outworn or outdated habits and patterns are ripped away to be replaced by new energy. Great power is unleashed in Geburah which can be destructive if handled irresponsibly or deliberately misused. Its power and force must be unleashed for the greater good or it can have devastating consequences.

Astrologically this Sephira corresponds with the planet Mars – God of War and Conflict. Energy takes another step closer to creation and manifestation. The birthing or bringing of life into existence is not always easy. Sometimes one must fight to overthrow opposition and obstruction that seeks to block progress and evolution. Geburah helps forming energy battle through, fighting the just cause for survival and overwhelming opponents that work on the lower planes. Geburah clears the path of excess and overabundance.

Corresponding Major Arcana

The Hierophant (V). This Major is quite complicated, carrying both a light and dark side in his energy. Numerically he is linked to the number 5 which is chaotic, unpredictable, ever-changing and destabilising – the very opposite of what the Hierophant stands for and therein may lie the karmic lesson of this major. He is a man of great education, entrenched in long standing tradition and conventional governing – very un-five like. His presence can be associated with restriction, narrowed-beliefs and conventional expectation, but he is the bedrock of stability and constancy. When life is turned upside down and full of uncertainty, it is the Hierophant who will offer a steadying hand and reassure us of the divine order of things. In times of the great trauma and loss Five can bring, we often turn to prayer and religion to guide us through. We seek support that comes with group identity and understanding. The Hierophant is there for us when we need him regardless of how indifferent we are to his presence at other times.

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