The Moon 18

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(To Follow)

Astrological Association – Cancer

After the peace and quiet of The Star when you were allowed to take your time recovering from the trauma of The Tower, life now expects you to get back out there and complete the rest of your journey on the path of life and ultimately, you true Spiritual Destiny.

In The Star, we stood, stripped naked of all the things that were holding us back from our spiritual path with no false Gods to prop us up. We felt the relief and freedom of being liberated from such a false existence. Now however, the challenge is to take those first steps into our new life, with our new understanding of who we are and where we want to go. We may still be feeling the after-effects of The Tower. Indeed we may still be grieving for all that was lost even though we know it was bad for us. They were our crutches in life and now they are gone. Now we are expected to step outside the front door again and into unknown territory. We may know what we want to be and where we want to go, but experience has taught us the hard way that the road to self-realisation, success and our spiritual purpose is never straight. We know from experience, that it is very easy to get lost along the way or be lured down wrong turns by those who claim to know the way. The holiday period of The Star is over and the hard-work of re-building out of the ruins begins. Before we can go racing down the road into our new life, we must first experience the powerful yet unnerving energy of The Moon and delve into the deepest darkest areas of our subconscious.

The Moon is very much about been on your own and having to sort all this out for yourself. It is no good expecting others to do it for you, for they may not know what is needed. They may lead you astray and have ulterior motives. They may even try to deceive you. It is a time to find your own way. Yes, you may be in foreign territory but when The Moon appears you must face your fears and move forward regardless. Maybe you are worrying about nothing. Your fears are all in your mind and will never be realised.

In this card we see a large Moon shining brightly in the sky. The face in the Moon appears to be asleep or trying to sleep. Once more we see the pool of The High Priestess, Temperance and The Star in the foreground. A crayfish crawls out from its murky depths and onto the path. The Two Towers which we have seen in other cards appear yet again but this time seem very far from each other. Two animals, a dog and a wolf howl at the moon. A pathway runs from the pool between the Two Towers and disappears into the far off mountains.

The distance between the Towers suggests the isolation we often feel when we strike out on a personal journey after having left an old way of life behind. It can be frightening and unnerving as we may no longer have anyone to support us. We may have had to leave everyone behind on our quest.

The sleeping face in The Moon symbolises the need to look within for support and guidance, for that is where the answers lie. Seek within for the strength and courage you need for this journey as others cannot help you with this. The Moon illuminates the sky while we are asleep but she will also illuminate your inner-world, deep within the subconscious, where true wisdom lies. This suggests that The Moon indicates a time when important messages and guidance are contained within your dreams and it would be wise to pay special attention to them.

The Moon reflects on the pool of water which symbolises the subconscious mind. The subconscious mind takes over when we sleep thus allowing the conscious mind to take a break. The subconscious through dream time attempts to sort out the chaos of the conscious mind and solutions to the problems and worries of the waking day. If you cannot sort out your problems through logical thought then sometimes it is advisable to 'sleep on it'.

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