Don't Hate

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Don't hate people because of race — hate white supremacy, white privilege, and institutionalized racism.

Don't hate people because of gender — hate misogyny and misandry, transphobia, toxic masculinity, and the patriarchy.

Don't hate people because of sexuality — hate homophobia, biphobia, and slut shaming.

Don't hate people because of religion — hate prejudice, discrimination, ignorance, and violence in the name of the divine.

Don't hate people because of social class — hate income inequality, selfishness, greed, and corruption.

People are more than a list of their social identities. Male or female, black or white, gay or straight, rich or poor, religious or atheist, we are all human.

Don't hate people. Hate the system that moulded them that way, and use that anger to fuel your fire. Be the change you want to see in the world. After all, nothing ever got done by standing around waiting for it.

Thoughts of a Doubting Christian ✓Where stories live. Discover now