The Definition of Homophobia

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I have had numerous debates with people across Wattpad as to the definition of homophobia. Some disgruntled users insist that only people who actively insult and/or are violent against gay people should be included within the definition. In their opinion, everyone else, including those who "disagree with" (*cough* oppose *cough*) homosexuality for religious reasons, should be exempt from being called homophobic if they "merely disagree."

On a superficial level, I understand the confusion and lack of consensus on the definition, since dictionaries give varying definitions. If two people are arguing over the definition but take their definitions from different dictionaries, it makes sense that they might disagree.

On a different level, I understand that some people like to stick to a supposedly fixed definition of a word, and insist that because the word was originally "meant" to mean one thing, it should never mean anything else. However, I strongly disagree, as language changes naturally with time. Just because "gay" used to mean "happy" clearly doesn't mean that it does now. Why would other words be any different?

So, let's see. What do the myriad of online dictionaries available have to say about the definition of homophobia?

People who try to argue that one can "disagree with" homosexuality and still avoid being labeled a homophobe pull out definitions such as these:

American Heritage Dictionary fear of or contempt for lesbians and gay men.

Cambridge English Dictionary a fear or dislike of gay people; fear or dislike of homosexuals.

Chambers 21st Century Dictionary strong aversion to or hatred of homosexuals.

Macmillan Dictionary hate or fear of homosexuals. • unreasoning fear of or antipathy toward homosexuals and homosexuality.

"See, I'm not afraid of homosexuals!" they exclaim. "That's silly! And I don't hate them, either. I love them, just not their sin/behavior/actions/choices/lifestyle. So I can't be homophobic. Don't put me under such a label just because I disagree."

However, those who argue this ignore the fact that there is far from a consensus on the definition, and some of the most well-respected dictionaries out there (as well as others) paint a very different picture of what homophobia means:

Oxford English Dictionary dislike of or prejudice against homosexual people. 

Merriam-Webster Dictionary irrational fear of, aversion to, or discrimination against homosexuality or homosexuals.

Collins English Dictionary a strong and unreasonable dislike of gay people; irrational hatred or fear of homosexuals or homosexuality; intense hatred or fear of homosexual people or homosexuality. Dictionary prejudice against (fear or dislike of) homosexual people and homosexuality.

Google Dictionary • dislike of or prejudice against homosexual people.

Wikipedia Encyclopedia • Homophobia encompasses a range of negative attitudes and feelings toward homosexuality or people who are identified or perceived as being . . . LGBT. It has been defined as contempt, prejudice, aversion, hatred or antipathy, may be based on irrational fear, and is often related to religious beliefs. Homophobia is observable in critical and hostile behavior such as discrimination and violence on the basis of sexual orientations that are non-heterosexual. Recognized types of homophobia include institutionalized homophobia, e.g. religious homophobia and state-sponsored homophobia, and internalized homophobia, experienced by people who have same-sex attractions, regardless of how they identify.

In case people aren't aware, "disagreeing with" and/or opposing homosexuality does, indeed, fall under prejudice against gay people or homosexuality, aversion to or discrimination against gay people or homosexuality, and negative attitudes and feelings toward homosexuality. That means, dear friends, if you "disagree with" or oppose homosexuality, you are homophobic. That's just how it works.

I don't understand why it bothers people so much to be labeled homophobic if they "disagree with," oppose, dislike, or otherwise disapprove of homosexuality and gay people. That's the definition of the word. That's like a white person getting upset because somebody called them racist after they used the n-word against a black person. Like, no duh, they're just calling it like it is. If you have bigoted beliefs and get upset after getting called out on them...I just don't know what to tell you. You're a bigot, or you're acting like a bigot and saying bigoted things, and now you're getting upset because you can't believe people could call you out on it?

Just. Wow.

But at the end of the day, even if you disagree and think that some other word should be used — maybe you prefer heterosexism, or anti-gay, or anti-homosexuality, or whatever — the end result is the same. Someone who opposes homosexuality has prejudices and biases against homosexuality and gay people. If you oppose or "disagree with" homosexuality, you're going to get called out on your bigotry. That's just how it works.

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