Day 4

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Today I learned a new word at school! I told mommy that I learned  a new word and she told me to wait until she woke up from her nap. She said she wasn't feeling well, so I just let her sleep.

While she was sleeping, I thought it'd be a good idea to write it down for her. So, I took a Sharpie (non sponsored) and wrote it in her forehead!

Twat Waffle. That's the word! My friend called me that at school, so it's okay.

Daddy is at work right now, I can't wait to tell him my new word!

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Mommy wasn't proud of my word. She asked me what the word was and I said Twat Waffle! She shook her head in disappointment and said 'wait until your father gets home'. Usually that's a bad thing.

When daddy got home, as soon as her saw mommy he burst out laughing. I dont understand why though. Mommy looked in the mirror and saw what I wrote. She looked very upset; but I was smiling the whole time because I was so proud!

Mommy told me that it was unacceptable, but daddy told me I did a good job, and gave me $20! I'm going to buy so much candy with this!

Mommy also told me that she wasn't going to come with me to the park or buy me anything until a couple weeks. Technically she never bought me anything, it's all daddy's money because she doesn't work.

Okay, that's all for now. Also, I'm going to ask Michael what Twat Waffle means, because if daddy finds it funny it must be really great, right?

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