The day after the incident

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The next morning I woke up to a major hang over, or so I thought until I remembered the massive bruise on the side of my head.

Part hangover, part being punched by my boyfriend.

I got out of bed and looked in the mirror. That was one hell of a bruise. If I'd got it on the pitch there would at least be an excellent story to go with it. What was the story to go with this? My boyfriend was drunk and high, started on some guy, and ended up punching me in the face because he couldn't see straight.

Becket was right in what he said last night. There was no way that I could let this go. There was no way I could let him get away with punching me in the face, accidental or not. Not under those circumstances.

Jen rolled over as I opened the door to the living room, but didn't wake up. She'd had a lot to drink last night. I didn't imagine I'd see her out of bed and sentient before the evening. I walked out and the house was still I mess. I didn't have the energy to tidy that up yet. I had to deal with him first.

I didn't understand why he thought he had the right to treat me like he did.

Then I thought about the way he was when we had broken up last year. He was an absolute pain in the ass, and the thought of him being like that again was almost as painful as my head. Realistically, it was better the rip the plaster off quickly. I grabbed a cold glass of water. I thought it was best to do this is true Kelly fashion.

I walked into Jen's room.

He was there.


Just laying there.

And so I threw the glass of water over him.

He jumped up, as one would if they were soaked and cold.

"What the hell, Kelly!"

"Is that all you've got to say!"

"Woah, what happened to your face?"

"You happened!"


"Yes, you hit me in the face! Or were you too drunk and high to remember?"

He blanched. Probably both because he hit me and because I knew about the drugs.

"I'm sorry."

"What for?"

"Hitting you in the face."

"And the drugs?"

"They're my business. Not yours."

"You can have everything be your business now. We're through."

He looked taken aback. After everything we've been through, he probably never thought I'd leave him again. But the look on my face proved that I was entirely serious.

"What do you mean?"

"I've had enough Shane! We're not together anymore!"

"You can't do this to us!"

"Yes I can! There is no us!"

He stopped and sat back on the bed.

"Do you mean it?"

"Yes. Yes I mean it. I am done."

"But I love you Kelly."

I was honestly stunned. How dare he say that after everything he'd done?

"No. You don't. Now get out and don't you dare speak to me again because you know as well as I do that everyone will kill you if you try. Get out."

Sports in the Parker - yes, I'm a girl who still plays sportsWhere stories live. Discover now