Dylan's Party

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The walk to Dylan's was fairly unspectacular.

"If Dylan puts it on you tonight..." Jen said, carefully.


"What are you gonna do?" She asked, "You can't freak out in there, Kelly, Jeremy will get mad at me."

I rolled my eyes at her. Firstly, because she knew full well what my plans were with Dylan tonight. It was my main reason for coming. Well, that and the fact that I didn't really want to leave her at the boys party with no back up. Secondly, she insisted that she didn't even care about Jeremy, so why was she so bothered if he got mad.

I might have wanted sex with Dylan, but it was very clear how she felt about Jeremy.

"Jen, I've already told you that I want him. Why would I kick up a fuss?"

She shrugged, and took a swig from her bottle.

"I'm just warning you." She said, "Given that you look hot, you should definitely be prepared."

"Come on, Jen." I said, "I wouldn't have dressed like this if I wasn't interested."

"I know..."


"But are you sure it's what you want?"

Then it was my turn to shrug. I was pretty sure that the best way to get over Shane was to get under someone else. I was a big believer in that philosophy. And Dylan was practically perfect. He was older, and a boy, so chances are he wouldn't be looking for any kind of relationship anyway. And even if he did, it wouldn't be difficult for me to change my mind and stop seeing him. It wasn't as though Dylan and I were friends. If it wasn't for Jen and Jeremy I never would have met him. And I certainly wouldn't have been walking across campus freezing my arse off in almost no clothes just to impress him.

"I'm sure it's what I want, for now." I explained.

"Okay," She said, "Fine. But don't come to me when you get your heart broken."

I laughed out loud at that. Bold of her to assume I had a heart.

"I'm not going to get my heart broken." I said, "It's just sex, Jen."

I was a bit concerned about this party. If there were too many people around, I'd feel uncomfortable. I didn't know these people, other than Jeremy and Dylan. It was fine that a few of them wanted to come round to the flat when we had something on, but going to their territory was different. At ours, Jeremy and Jen made sure they behaved themselves, but there would be nothing like that tonight. And if too many people were around, they would definitely be misbehaving.

Well, Dylan and I would be regardless.

It wasn't a long walk to Jeremy and Dylan's flat. Well, it was more a house. And I expected to hear the party before we saw it, but even going up the stairs, there was nothing more than a quiet bass.

We knocked on the door, and there still wasn't anywhere near as much noise as I expected. And there weren't people loitering around outside. Jeremy opened the door, and he was steaming.

"Hi girls." He slurred, and grabbed Jen's arse as we walked past.

Jeremy wasn't the greatest drunk.

There was no one there. When Jen had described this as a party/gathering she was being generous. Even small gathering would have been a bit much. It was literally the boys who lived here, a few of their friends, and any girls that turned up. No wonder we heard no music, it would be pointless to turn it up. Given that the atmosphere was dead.

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