Lazy Sunday afternoon

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Once all the boys were gone, Jen turned to me.

"They're going to find out, you know."


I had nothing else to say. Her incessant desire to expose my secrets was a bit beyond me. I didn't tell everyone about Jeremy before she wanted me to, so how was it fair that she did it to me.

"Just tell them."

I rolled my eyes. We'd been over this so many times. Nothing I'd told her was new.

"Absolutely not." I said, "It's none of their business. If I wanted them to know I'd tell them."

"But they're going to find out, so why not rip off the bandaid."

"Because I prefer it to be on."

And I walked off. I didnt need Jen of all people lecturing me on my love life. Jeremy was nothing but a cheeky shag to her, so why pretend he was anything more. Yeah, they might go on dates every now and then, but why pretend something was going to come of it when we all knew nothing was.

Dylan and I had spent one night together. It wasn't as though he had tried to get into contact with me, and I didn't particularly want him to.

I went into my room and closed the door behind me. I hadn't had peace and quiet in a fair while, so I decided to video call my brother.





Clearly Matt was excited to hear from me. Hey, someone had to be.

"Hey Matt! How are you?"

"Tired. Coach has got us training 5 times a week."

"Oh really? How comes?"

"Apparently we're going to be playing this big shot team, think they're better than everyone else. Coach won't say more than that, but I'm excited."

"I'd be excited. I wish I was training for it."

Matts face fell a bit.

"How is it going there?" He asked, "I can't wait to join you. I got a letter from them today saying I might be able to start in the new year, depending on how their captains work out. What's it like anyway, working under a new captain?"

"I'm not."

"What do you mean you're not? Are you not starting team?"


"I am. Of course I am. But I'm also captain of the starting team."

His face visibly swelled with pride.

I missed him. I honestly missed Matt more than anyone else. He always supported me, which was a lot more than I could say for the rest of my family.

"You're amazing, sister dearest."

"I know Matt, I know. You don't need to tell me twice."

He smiled.

"Have you told George yet?" He asked, "You know he'd want to know."

"I haven't spoken to him in weeks."

If George found out Shane and I were over I had no idea how he'd react. George and I had been such good friends, almost more than friends, but I didn't want him to think that just because Shane and I were over he'd be able to just come into my life again. He left.

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