The Beating

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I was incredibly confused when I opened my eyes. I wasn't in my room. It took a few minutes for what had happened the night before to come back to me.

Dylan. He was still in the bed next to me, sound asleep. When he had stayed at mine, I'd had the upper hand. Now the tables had turned and I didn't like it. Part of me wanted to quietly slip out while he was still asleep, but as I started to move he began to stir. The last thing I wanted to do was wake him up, so I just stayed in the bed for a while.

It was warm, but not uncomfortably so. Whenever Shane and I had shared a bed it was always like a furnace, but this was a nice temperature.

I couldn't decide whether or not I regretted what happened. I mean, I now owed my brother £20 which wasn't ideal, but Jen had already agreed to pay that. Hey, she was the one that dragged me there, even though I wasn't kicking and screaming. I wondered what she'd say when she found out that I'd stayed the night. She would be incessant, I knew that much.

I couldn't say I regretted what had happened. I enjoyed it. I mean, Dylan was particularly handsome, and he was great in bed. My only issue came from what everyone else would think of me if they found out that I'd stayed the night. I got it. Staying the night round someone's you've literally meet twice, and once was just for sex anyway, didn't give off the greatest impression, especially when I'd just got out of a long term relationship.

I grabbed my phone off of the floor next to me, making sure not to move to much and wake Dylan.

5 missed calls - Jen
3 messages - Felix
2 missed calls - Shane

Oh. For gods sake. This wasn't going to end well. Why were all three of them trying to get into contact with me? Especially considering Jen was in the room over. I put it back down. I wasn't in the mood to deal with all of their issues right now, if it was that important they'd phone again. Besides, it was only 8 o'clock on a Monday morning. And my head hurt.

I was slightly concerned though. Felix only text me when there was something he had to wind me up about, and his messages always did seem to come in threes. But they usually said something important.

Then again, what could be important at this time in the morning. All I needed was a message from coach telling me when and where training was today, if it was on at all, and Felix wouldn't be telling me that information.

I was beginning to get bored lying in bed doing nothing. It was time to leave.

Sliding out of bed as carefully as was physically possible, I did my best to not wake Dylan. He rolled over but stayed asleep. I grabbed my stuff together, pulled my clothes on, and made my way across the room.

"Where are you going?"


"Back to mine."

"Without saying goodbye?"

"I didn't want to wake you. It's early."

"I'm used to early mornings." He said, and I turned to face him.

Even with bed head he was hot.

"I shouldn't have stayed last night. It was late and I was drunk." I said, "I've got to go I've got things to do."

He nodded, and came across the room.

"I can see you out."

"I can walk down the stairs by myself."

He sighed, "Stop being so defensive. I'm just trying to be decent."

"Fine." I said, "You can see me out. But I am leaving now, not in twenty minutes."

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