The Restaurant

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I wasn't expecting company, so when the door bell rang I was confused. Everyone was at football training, except Dylan. But we'd come to an agreement that he wouldn't come until I rang.

I got up from my desk and slowly went into the kitchen. The doorbell rang again.

Jesus, persistent much.

Clearly whoever it was didn't plan on going away, so I opened the door.

"Missed me?"


I hugged him close. The idiot. My brother should have told me that he was coming!

"Can we go inside?" He asked, "As nice as your doorstep in, it's the middle of October."

I laughed and let him go. We went inside.

"This looks cosy."

I had a flashback to mine and Dylan's conversation that morning.

"It is." I said, "I've got so much to tell you?"

"Great." He said, "But can we get some lunch first?"

"What do you fancy?" I asked. I had menus for any number of takeaways, or we could order online.

"I saw a nice little Italian restaurant about 10 minutes walk away," He said, "Shall we go there?"

Weird. Matt wasn't really a restaurant person. Normally at home we would have just ordered pizza or a Chinese, but clearly he wanted to go all out for his visit.

I was in no position to turn down a free lunch.

"Sure, just let me get changed."

"Have you just got back from training?"

"I'll explain once I'm dressed."

I shit my bedroom door, leaving him in the kitchen. It was only lunch time, so there was no need to me to dress fancy. I just changed into a different teeshirt and pulled on some jeans.

"What's going on with training?" He asked, literally the second I opened my door.

I thought it would be best to write Jen a note, just so that she didn't worry when she got back and I was gone.

Matt showed up. Have gone to lunch at the little Italian round the corner. Ring me if you need me x

I grabbed my phone, keys, and bag, and left the house before I replied.

"I've been banned from the pitch for a week." I explained.

"Something to do with your face?"


I sighed. Here came the questions.

"What happened, Kel?" He asked, "You'd never normal get beaten that hard in a fight."

I couldn't help but laugh. Of course he assumed I'd been in a fight.

"I wasn't in a fight." I said, "Can you lead the way I don't know where I'm going."

He rolled his eyes, but pointed for us to go left. I'd honestly never been here before. Clearly I needed to get out more.

"What happened then?"

"I got jumped."

"By who?"

"I don't know."


"Yesterday morning."

"Have you reported them?"

"How can I when I don't know who they are?"

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