Dylan finds out

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Kalvin stayed the night. It wasn't a good idea, people did tend to just turn up at my flat, but once we were out of bed there would be nothing untoward about Kalvin being round. We were good friends.

"Thanks for last night." I said, when he got out of the bed.

"Thanks for inviting me." He said, "I was shocked. I thought you were with Dylan. And at some point you're going to need to explain why you look like shit."

"I'm not with Dylan." I said, "And I know I will. Just give me time. Please don't throw me under the bus."

He shook his head, "I wouldn't do that, but you should tell them sooner rather than later. Are you going to training this afternoon?"

"Absolutely not. I can hardly move."

"I didn't realise I was that good."

I rolled my eyes, "Shut up Kalvin, I meant from the bruises."

"I'm gonna take off." He said, grabbing his shoes off the floor. I hadn't got out of bed and he was already dressed.

"I'll see you out." I said, and pulled on my dressing gown.

We left my room and moved quietly through the kitchen to the door. I didn't want to wake Jen up. Especially not if Jeremy was here. Dylan didn't want to end things between us, not as abruptly as I did, and I knew that Jeremy would have no qualms with telling him.

I unlocked the door, and opened it a touch. Not enough for him to get through.

"One for the road?" I asked.

"One what?"

I kissed him, as I pulled the door open.

"Well this looks cosy."


I pulled away from Kalvin, and there he was. Dressed all in black, and he'd managed to get a black eye since yesterday. Dylan.

"He was just leaving." I said in a harsh tone. Admittedly, I had wanted sex last night, but I would have been happy with company. And he didn't want to come.

"See ya Parker." He said quietly, and squeezed past Dylan who didn't move out of his way to let him through.

I walked into the kitchen and Dylan followed me.

"Who was that?" He asked, and his tone was loud and terse.

"A friend. I don't see how it's any of your business."

"When did he come round?"

"Last night."

"Right." His jaw set.

"Do you want anything in particularly?" I asked, "Because if you remember I said I don't want anything to do with you."

"I came to apologise about last night. But clearly you didn't end up being that lonely."

"Clearly I didn't."

"Goddamn it Kelly! I'm out there trying to get the guys that did this to you and you're sleeping with other guys!"

"I would have slept with you but you didn't want to come." I replied, "I don't want to be involved with you."

He rolled his eyes.

"You keep saying that, but you rang me."

"Because I was drunk  and pissed off at Shane."


"I had a bottle of wine and I hadn't eaten."

Even though that clearly wasn't the part of the conversation that he was questioning, I also didn't want to throw Shane under the bus. Yes, I was pissed off at him, but I also didn't want to make Dylan aware of the fact Shane was in contact with his rivals. There was no way that could end well.

Sports in the Parker - yes, I'm a girl who still plays sportsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon