The Police

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It was a fairly long drive to the station, and I kept repeating to myself what Dylan had said.

I was in the bathroom. I heard arguing. I stayed inside because I was scared. Dylan came and got me. We left.

It was an easy story to remember. I mean, it was massively fake, but they didn't know that. I just hoped that they hadn't picked up Matt. He couldn't handle having to lie in this kind of situation, even if he said that he could. It wasn't my first time in a police car, but it was my first time needing to lie when we got there.

I was worried.

This was massively out of my league. I didn't have my team and my friends behind me backing me up. What if Matt had been picked up as well? There was just too much to worry about. It wasn't as though I could just independently lie my way out of this. Our stories had to match.

I was in the bathroom. I heard arguing. I stayed inside because I was scared. Dylan came and got me. We left.

We stopped at a red light.

"You shouldn't be around Chance." Said the guy in the front, "He's not a good guy. He's wanted in connection with a long, long list of crimes."

I just rolled my eyes.

"I'm not with him."

On the bright side I'd clearly learnt Dylan's last name: Chance.

"You're too young to get involved in his life."

"I'm 16." I Said, "I'm living away from home. I can make my own decisions."

He face was a picture. I looked older than my age. Not massively, but enough that I could pass for 18 with ease.

"You're 16 and you're involved with him?"

Had I lost the right to remain silent yet? I wondered.

I decided it was best to just shut up. Nothing I had to say to this man was going to help the situation, and just because he was being nice to me didn't actually mean he was being nice. Chances were, he was just trying to get me to screw Dylan over, which definitely wasn't my plan.

I was in the bathroom. I heard arguing. I stayed inside because I was scared. Dylan came and got me. We left.

"Haven't you got anything more to say?" He asked, but his face looked like thunder. Clearly he'd realised I wasn't going to be the one to throw Dylan under the bus.

I shook my head. Best to remain silent. At least until it was time to tell my story. The only issue was there were some massive plot holes. I mean, who did I go to the restaurant with? Matt or Dylan? I wanted to keep Matt out of it, so let's say I say Dylan... Why would Dylan go there? The police clearly know what's going on, even if they have no grounds to arrest him for half of the stuff he does.

So I went to the restaurant with Dylan. But what if he says I went with Matt? Would it be better to tell the truth?

I didn't have much longer to think about it, because about 20 seconds later we pulled into the police station. I was pulled out literally at the same time as Dylan. There were no other cars around, so I assumed that they hadn't managed to pick anyone else up. At least my brother was safe.

As we walked into the police station I was next to Dylan, which was a stupid idea really.

"I'm sorry our date ended up ruined by these idiots." He said, making urgent eye contact with me, "I just wanted us to have a good day."

"It's fine." I said, nodding slowly, "I understand."

So I did go with Dylan. I went to the restaurant on a date with Dylan.

Sports in the Parker - yes, I'm a girl who still plays sportsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن