don't look at me when you have a girl at home

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jane's pov

i walked down the sidewalk and admired the bustling farmer's market. i always enjoyed walking through town when there was a fair going on. not much happened in my small town so it was nice whenever there were events.

all of a sudden i ran into something and i fell to the concrete ground with a thud. luckily my hands caught me although i scratched them up and it definitely hurt. i looked at my hands and winced. there was a visible cut on my left and my right was a bright red. it was much more red than it should've been.

but when i looked up all the pain went away. i was face fo face with the cutest boy i'd ever seen in my life. he had long messy black hair, he was tall and lean, and he was wearing a hawaiian shirt with khaki shorts. sure he didn't have the best fashion sense but he was still super adorable.

the boy who looked to be around my age grabbed my hand and helped me up. he smirked and looked me up and down. i felt a bit uncomfortable when he was staring at me however i was flattered at the same time.

"sorry about that. although i'm glad it happened, it's not everyday i get to meet a girl as gorgeous as you." he said with a cheeky smirk still plastered on his face. i felt my cheeks heat up and i glanced down at my shoes.

i'd always been super self concious of my looks and to have a boy like him be into me from the moment he saw me. well, it was kinda cool. i wasn't a fan of his quick advances but he didn't seem like a bad guy.

"i'm jane. what's your name?" i asked the boy with a slight smile on my own face.

he chuckled. "i'm mike." he said while taking a step closer to me.

"uhm would you like to walk around the market with me?" i questioned with a lot of nervousness in my voice. i was hoping that my anxiety wouldn't be too noticeable. social situations were kind of hard for me, especially when it involved boys.

"sure." he answered in a simple tone.

mike didn't seem to care about my shyness. he was great at talking and i was excellant at listening so we made a good pair. i'd ask him questions about himself and then listen while he went into a detailed answer.

since he was a polite boy, he made sure to reciprocate every question i asked him. it didn't take long to find out that we had a lot in common. we both liked the same movies and actors, although we disagreed quite a bit on television. we were both into video games and owned the same consoles. also very importantly, we both loved chocolate ice cream with caramel sauce.

it didn't take long before i was really obsessed with a guy i'd just met. he seemed like the perfect boy. he was handsome, polite, charming, easy to talk to, relatable, and many more things. i hated the fact that it was getting late and the fair would be closing soon.

we were jusf standing there talking when all of a sudden mike stopped all movement. he cocked his head and began to lean in for a kiss. it was tempting but i just wasn't ready. i didn't want my first kiss to be halfassed, i wanted it to be special.

i put my hand on his chest and gently pushed him away. i chuckled. "uh, not now. let's get to know each other better first."

he shrugged and nodded. he almost seemed confused by what i'd said. i felt like i should say something but then decided against it.

mike looked down at his watch and sighed. "it's getting kinda late jane. i should probably get going. i don't wanna leave her waiting." he stated with a laugh.

my heart dropped and i raised an eyebrow in confusion. "her? who is her?" i asked rather reluctantly. all i could do was hope he'd say his mom or his sister or cousin or something like that.

"my girlfriend. i gotta take her to the movies tonight."

those words rang in my head for a minute before it actually registered what he was saying. girlfriend. he had a girlfriend. it wasn't right that he was leading me on. he should've mentioned that he was in a relationship instead of flirting with me and acting single. it made me sick to my stomach.

there was some poor girl out there waiting for her boyfriend to come take her out on a fun date, but instead he was with me. i felt awful. i know it wasn't my fault that he was basically cheating on her, however i still felt really guilty about the entire situation.

"goodbye mike, forever." i said with a scoff and quickly began to walk away. he asked for my number and said some other things but i didn't respond.

i simply kept walking until that dumb boy was out of sight. the whole situation made me feel like i was gonna throw up.

so i sat down on a park bench and decided to just cry for awhile. i knew that crying wasn't going to fix anything, but it would help a little bit.

~ ~ ~

sorry if this one is really really bad oops but i hope you enjoyed it.

i'd like to give a shout out to peggy-oh bc she's basically the queen of mileven. thank you so much ava for gifting the world with your amazing books and for being such a good friend.

also! i'm writing a mileven au called "majora's mask". it is based on the video game, "legend of zelda: majora's mask". there is seriously no other stranger things book like it and i'm super excited to publish it.

in the book, mike is a young boy training to be a paladin. jane is a young girl who conceals her magical powers. whenever a misguided boy who goes by the name 'skull kid' steals the majora's mask, he sets a clock for impending doom. mike and jane have to team up in order to to save the world and everyone they love.

so yeah i'm super hyped for that book.

as always, vote vote vote! and make sure to leave a few comments cause i always love reading them. thanks!

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