i'm not a psychic but i see myself all over you

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young teens and adults filled the large banquet hall. the only sound anyone could hear was the blaring loud pop music, the sound of laughter, and conversation. jane hopper didn't exactly know anybody there but she was willing to talk to anyone.

"hey jane, do you want something to eat? or a bottle of soda?" a young man asked the brunette girl. she smiled and politely shook her head.

she always felt so awkward and out of place at social events. she never knew anybody and she was never very good at talking to people. fortunately everyone was extroardinarily polite to her surprise. she was expecting them to be a bit snobbish.

the wheeler family were known for having quite a bit of money. every so often nancy wheeler would throw a big party and invite everyone from her school, then she would have her friends invite their friends.

jane was invited by a boy named steve harrington. he was three years older than her but they were still close friends. he was definitely like an older brother to her. they hung out quite often and he was one of her best friends.

"yo jane, this stuff is so good. i'm gonna get so hammered tonight!" steve stated while taking a sip out of his red cup.

jane chuckled. "i hope you're aware that it's just soda and you know that you hate drunk people."

"bitch, don't kill my vibe." the tall boy retorted. he threw his head back and downed the rest of the fizzy liquid that was in his cup. he wiped his mouth and then went to the counter for a refill.

jane walked around for a little bit and then found herself deep into a game of musical chairs. she was able to figure out that the music stopped every time the beat dropped. because of that fact she was able to cheese her way to victory. the young teens all laughed as jane stood up from the last chair and took a bow.

after the game was over she decided to go get some more soda and maybe a cookie. that was when she saw him. he was with a group of boys and was ironically doing a popular dance move that was rather cringeworthy. his friends laughed and so did jane from afar.

as she nibbled on her chocolate cookie and casually stood against the wall, she kept her eyes on that boy. to simply look at him, it made her heart go woosh. she knew nothing about him except that he was absolutely adorable and seemed a bit dorky.

she ran her fingers through her hair and dusted herself off. she took a deep breath and nonchalantly started making her way towards him. she thought of their possible, extremely unlikely, but possible future together.

he'd ask her out after awhile of being friends. they'd end up going to the movies and to go get ice cream. after their date, they'd end up spending the night texting each other instead of sleeping. she thought of the possible cute things he'd do for her and she'd do for him.

she wanted to meet his friends and she wanted him to meet her friends. jane thought about what her family would think about him. she assumed her father would despise him but her mom would love him. she wondered if they'd secretly hold hands under the table while eating.

"hey um... i like your jacket." the brunette girl said confidently to the tall boy. she had a smile present on her face and was doing her best to be polite.

"oh thanks." he responded in a simole manner, a small grin making its way to his face.

she cleared her throat. "i have a jacket like that, except it's white and more girly." she added a brief moment later. the boy chuckled and began to walk away from her, although he suddenly turned around to say one last thing.

"i'll see ya around." he retorted.

she smiled. she had no idea what would come out of it or if anything would even happen between them. she didn't even know if they'd become friends, heck, she didn't even know his name.

it was unlikely that she'd ever see him again, but she was into it.


another oneshot, for the people. the people wanted it so i did it. all i wanna do is be the people's champ.

it would honestly be amazing if we could get this book to number one in #mileven. that's honestly my dream. so please vote and comment and tell your friends about it! just tap the little star button in the corner!

it would be amazing if this chapter could get 25 votes. that'd be great.

also thanks for the kind words on my face reveal. i have little to no self esteem and it means a lot that you people think i look decent. i always compare myself to celebrities and compared to them i feel so ugly. i'm gonna try and be more confident though! so thanks again.

anyways, vote and comment! i love u guys and thanks so much.

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