i told her she could leave me now, but she wouldn't leave

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"i just don't know why the hell you have to be like this!" el said in a frustrated tone of voice. mike leaned against his locker with his arms crossed, he rolled his eyes at his girlfriend.

they were having a bit of a tiff over mike apparently having a bad attitude that day. she said he'd been acting very rude. he disagreed wholeheartedly and thought she was behaving rather childish. he didn't feel like he'd been mean to anyone.

"why do you have to get mad at everything i do? i can't even breathe without you jumping onto me. why can't you just get off my back?" he scoffed as he took a step closer to her.

as soon as those words left his mouth, he felt instant regret. he listened to himself and heard exactly how he was talking to her. he realized that he was out of line to talk to her in that way. he just felt guilty. he knew that he wasn't nice to her a lot of the time.

"i'm sorry i-... i didn't mean it like that. i just... you deserve better than me. i feel like maybe we should go our seperate ways?" he suggested with a look of despair on his face. 

at the end of the day he only wanted what was best for her. if he stood in the way of her true happiness, he would gladly move himself out of the way. he wanted her to have a boy that could treat her better than he'd ever be able to.

"i... you... no, mike, no. you're stuck with me, okay? you're really damn far from perfect, i am too, but i need you. i need you so much and i can't ever lose you." she stated firmly with a soft smile on her face.

those words really stuck with him. he kept thinking about it as the day went on. he just couldn't understand why the most perfect girl in the world would ever want him. it was really bizarre. she was gorgeous, smart, adventurous, funny, kind, and overall amazing. he was none of those things, he was simply bland and boring.

he felt selfish. he felt like he was putting himself in front of her happiness. he was holding her back from doing the things that she truly wanted to do. it was his fault, it was all his fault. mike did his best to avoid her for the rest of the school day because he felt too ashamed to even talk to her.

after school, he always drove her home so he knew he was going to have to face her. he also knew that she would ask him about his strange behavior.

el opened the car door and hopped into the passenger seat. she slammed the door shut and looked over at her boyfriend who was staring into space.

"what's up with you today?" she asked bluntly.

he sighed deeply. "it's just... next year we'll both go off to college." 

she shrugged her shoulders. she had no idea what he was going on about. "so what?" the brunette girl retorted.

"so... you've always said you want to be a nurse or doctor or somethin'. i have no clue what i wanna be, but my parents are banking on me going to indiana state. you said that your parents want you to go to bloomington." mike did his best to cautiously explain himself to his girlfriend. he didn't want to accidentally offend her by saying something stupid.

the boy looked down at his lap. "we won't get to see each other often. maybe once a month at best and it's... it won't work. i-i-i... i just want you to find someone that can make you happier than i can. i don't want to stand in the way of your future because you have such a great future ahead of you. i'd rather you just move on and leave me behind."

el exhaled slightly and her eyes widened. she had no idea what to say or do.

"mike i..." she began to speak before he cut her off.

"you need a good career, el. you need a good job and then someone that will be able to actually be there for you everyday because i don't be able to be that person." he added briefly.

she grabbed his hand and intertwined their fingers. their eyes met and both of their mouths went slightly agape.

"i don't need a good job or someone else. all i need is you, mike. i don't care if i ever do anything important in life as long as i still have you. i wanna marry you and be your wife and have a family together and..." she stopped herself when she realized exactly what she was saying.

she didn't feel like it was a good time to say those things, however she truly meant what she said. she didn't need anything else, just him.

it was at that moment when mike knew that she was the only person for him; and he was the only person for her. it was also in that moment when he knew they'd be together, forever.

~ ~ ~

hope you're enjoying this book! i love writing it so much. again, thanks so much for all the success it really means a lot. it'd be amazing if this chapter could get 20 votes! that would be super awesome.

this one was kinda cheesey but i kinda like it lol. 

i'd like to give a shoutout this chapter to 011ElevenWheeler because she's talented and i love her and yeah go check her out! give her a follow or somethin

as always, vote, comment, and thanks for the support! i love all of you that read my books and support me.

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