two red pills to take away the blues / bring the 707 out

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another week, another ridiculously wild party was taking place. lots of shenanigans definitely went on at all of mike wheeler's parties, although nobody ever got hurt. they were in college and they felt like they deserved to have fun.

jane hopper had only been to one wild party before and she wanted to know what mike's parties were like. one of her friends invited her and she couldn't decline. she was excited to simply be a complete wreck for the night.

when they arrived at the large house they were able to hear music from the driveway. her heart was thumping out of her chest as she walked up the stairs to the front door. it was a good type of nerves; she was really excited.

she walked into the house and saw pure chaos. in a way, she loved it. she was ready to feel totally numb for the rest of the night, although she had no idea exactly how numb that was going to be.

she'd been through a lot in her life, way more than most people could handle. she was abused as a child and never got to be a kid. she wanted to forget about her past and her anxieties for once.

after a few drinks and dances, one thing led to another and she ended up with two small red pills in her hand. she had no idea how they got there or what she was supposed to do with them.

she tilted her head up and saw a blur; inside the blur she saw the face of a young man. the man in question was mike wheeler whom was just as drunk as she was. he cocked his head and smiled at the girl in front of him.

"take them." he mumbled, barely able to speak correctly.

she hiccuped and then placed the two pills inside her mouth. she placed her red plastic cup to her lips and took a sip of the alcohol that was in the cup. it burnt her throat as she swallowed the drink and the pills.

mike popped two pills into his own mouth and took a large drink out of his own cup. he spilled about half a cup of alcohol all over himself, but he was able to swallow the pills without choking.

before too much longer, they were both out cold. they layed unconsciously on the couch together. the entire room was full of people dancing and screaming, yet mike and jane were dead to the world. nothing could wake them from their drug induced slumber.

/ we're happy here

this is a happy house \

/ we're happy here in this happy house

mike pinned his girlfriend against the wall as they kissed firmly yet sweetly. they'd been together for around three months. they weren't officially in a relationship although they went out a lot; and they always made out at his parties.

he broke away from the kiss and giggled. he was drunk off of his face and he could barely see straight, but she still looked beautiful to him.

he swallowed hard and stumbled over to where a small glass table was sitting. he began to oush the table towards the middle of the room. people quickly got out of the way when they saw mike bringing out the glass table.

he didn't so this very often but everyone loved it. jane had only done it one other time so she was excited to do it again.

most of her friends completely abandoned her after she started going out with mike. they all felt that he was a terrible person and a very bad influence on her. he'd completely changed everything about her.

mike grabbed a small plastic bag out of his pocket. he dumped the contents of the bag onto the table. he then formed the dusty white powder into even lines.

jane stepped up first. she put her nose to the table and quickly took two lines of the cocaine. the rush filled her head and it felt like her entire body was floating. her body felt completely weightless.

she decided she needed a good drink after taking two large lines. she slowly but surely stumbled into the kitchen. her legs felt like they could barely work. she opened up the refrigerator and grabbed a bottle of beer.

she was getting ready to take a drink when all of a sudden, everything went black. it was almost as if her brain completely shut off. she collapsed to the wooden floor. the beer bottle shattered and the broken glass left a few cuts in her arms.

blood gushed out of her nose as she layed lifelessly on the floor. she slowly opened her eyes and saw mike standing above her, he was panicking but he was too drunk and high to actually do anything.

she smiled. "i'm... happy..."

her eyes closed again and her chest stopped heaving. she simply layed on the ground, covered in blood, with no pulse.

~ ~ ~

some mileven angst for the people. what can i say? i'm the people's champ and i do what they want me to.

votes are very important! they help the book a great deal and they give me motiviation to keep trekking onward. so just tap the little star button in the corner. so make sure to vote and spam the comment section.

lil life update: i'm homeschooled but looking into dual enrollment so i might be taking some public school classes next year. i'm honestly so excited! i genuinely can't wait because i'll finally get to be a normal kid for the first time in my life yay

so yeah, i hope you enjoyed this one!

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