don't cry to me, if you loved me you'd be here with me

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"i've been doing a lot of thinking and i gotta be honest, i just don't think we'ere working out. i love you but i don't think we're a good couple."

"i don't think we're a good couple."

"i've been doing a lot of thinking."

"i love you."

those are the words that had been ringing in his head for five months. ever since jane decided to end their relationship, mike had been doing his best to move on. it was hard, brutally hard. he'd never had feelings for anyone like he did for jane.

they had the perfect relationship. they'd been together for six months and while they had arguments, they were extroardinarily strong together. they had no serious problems and they loved each other.

why did she even break it off? mike didn't really have a clue. it was almost as if she was suddenly just  uninterested or bored. it was all so sudden and he had no idea how to react.  he broke down into tears when she first said those dreadful words. 

they met up one day so jane could return mike's belongings to him. they promised to stay friends, but they never talked. she gave him his stuff and said zero words to him. they didn't talk at school or outside of school.

he called her a few times but she didn't answer. once they bumped into each other at the supermarket. jane pretended she didn't recognize him. it killed him.

the girl he loved with all of his heart wanted nothing to do with him. it was a  hard pill to swallow although he was able to. after a few months he was finally beginning to get over it. the heartbroken boy was starting to slowly heal. he was actually able to feel again.

that is until jane came to his house one evening. she knocked on the door and waited for mike to open it. whenever he opened the door his jaw dropped and he didn't know what to do. 

his first thought was that she looked beautiful. she was simply wearing a green flannel and blue jeans but to him, she was gorgeous. she'd always be absolutely breathtaking to him, no matter what.

"h-hi jane." he was barely able to get the words out.

she smiled. "mike i've been thinking... i just... i was wrong okay? we were a great i think we'd still be a great couple. i mean... i'm just sorry. i... i still want to be with you."

he couldn't believe her. he wasn't happy, he wasn't sad, he wasn't shocked or embarrassed.

he was outraged. he was furious at how prideful she was. he was mad due to the fact that she was treating him like nothing more than a toy. he was upset because she ignored him for months only to come begging at his feet for mercy.

"i hate you jane." he scoffed.

she gasped quietly and her mouth was slightly agape. she could barely believe what he was saying. mike never ever talked to her in such a rude fashion before. it shocked her.

tears were threatening to spill from her eyes. mike saw the tears but had no sympathy for it.

"you ignored me when i tried to help you. you ditched me when i really needed you. you just... you broke me and now you expect a bad apology to fix it? well you're. i don't need you anymore because i've learned to live on my own. i like being alone. i... i don't want you back." he stated firmly yet politely. 

she was practically bawling at that point but mike knew he had to stay strong. he didn't want to be mean to her but he didn't want to be in a relationship with her either.

"look, i'll be your friend but we are not dating, not now or ever again." he added a moment later.

"i... i need you, mike." jane muttered through the tears.

mike pursed his lips and crossed his arms. "well guess what? i needed you."

~ ~ ~

i know i said this one would be fluffy but uh i lied oops. i havent really had much time or inspiration for writing. that being said, i am working on a new book. i'm not going to tell you what ship it is but it's called 'kamikaze' and i'm really excited for it.

i'm sorry that this one is kinda bad the next one will hopefully be better lol

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