you are in love

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"ellie, i missed you so much!" mike exclaimed as he threw his arms around his best friend. she giggled and returned the hug. it'd been nearly a week since they'd last seen each other so they decided to meet up at a nearby playground.

el's father didn't approve of her being alone with boys, although he didn't know that she was going to the park to see her friend who just so happened to be a boy. 

they'd known each other for about eight months. they met one day at the playground and they instantly clicked. they exchanged phone numbers and quickly became very good friends.  the pair didn't get to see each other that often due to overprotective parents, however they didn't need to. they made the small amounts of time count.

they often had many deep, thought provoking conversations. of course they disagreed on some things but they liked hearing the other's point of view, and even though they disagreed many times they still respected each other. every once in awhile they'd have a tiff, but they never thought about ending their friendship.

the brunette girl sat down on a swing and mike took a seat in the one next to her. they simply swayed back and forth in the wind for awhile. the sun was lazily drifting in the sky, behind a hill in the distance. the sunset was a gorgeous array of firey colors. 

"we're just friends, right?" el asked randomly while glancing over at mike.

the boy chuckled slightly. "yeah, of course." he responded in a bit of a monotone. 

"alright, i wanted to make sure you don't have a crush on me cause that would be gross." el stated while playfully sticking her tongue out in disgust. 

mike smirked and hopped off the swing. he stepped over to his friend and picked her up in his reletively strong arms. he grabbed her up off the swing and twirled around for a bit, both of them laughing until their stomachs hurt. 

eventually they both got dizzy and mike stopped spinning. he placed her onto her feet and she immediately lost her balance due to her dizziness. she tripped over her own feet but grabbed mike's waist and was able to stop herself from falling to the ground.

as the world stopped spinning, she stood up straight and looked deep into his pretty, big brown eyes, she swallowed hard and mike pursed his lips. she still had her hands on his waist, she noticed this and quickly let go. 

"i... i need to go home." she said sheepishly while feeling her cheeks start to heat up. 

the tall boy nodded. "me too." 

they were both about to walk away and then for no reason, mike gently grabbed her hand. he didn't know what he was doing, it was simply a whim and he couldn't question a whim. 

she tilted her head up and mike leaned in to peck her cheek. el's eyes widened and her face felt like it was on fire. mike's face was just as red as the girl he'd just kissed. she'd never been kissed before and mike had never kissed anyone, so it was the first for both of them.

"i-i-i'm sorry." he muttered under his breath.

el swiftly threw her arms around his neck and kissed his cheek, returning the favor. they both smiled and giggled at their sudden confessions about their true feelings for each other.

they were in love. true love.

~ ~ ~

welcome to my book of mileven oneshots! this one was short but in the future they will most likely be longer. as i've said before, some of these will be really happy and others will make you sad but i hope you stick around for the ride.

i've really enjoyed writing these and i hope you enjoy reading them.

i hate to be one of those people but if this chapter could get like 20 votes it would be the best thing ever. i've really been falling off lately and i could use some support lol

thanks again!

yikes! | mileven oneshotsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora