even if it's just in your wildest dreams

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mike felt sick, physically sick. he felt that way most of the time. every single day he hoped that she would at least give him some sort of sign or attempt to contact him, although it never happened. she was gone. 

100 days passed. he started feeling anxious a lot. it was getting to the point where his anxiety stopped him from getting any sleep. it was impossible for him to focus on his school work and chores. all he could think about was her.

200 days passed. he'd been keeping track of every single day without her. he was losing hope very quickly. he never went anywhere or talked to anyone. he simply stayed at home, alone in his room. he didn't feel like facing the world. 

a girl he'd known for about a week had completely flipped his life upside down. he thought about it a lot and decided that it was because she was more than just a girl. she saved their lives, all of their lives, but she couldn't save herself. she sacrificed her own life to save the lives of her friends. that's why he loved her.

300 days passed. mike began hysterically crying one day in school because he was starting to forget what eleven looked like. he remembered her lips, eyes, and buzzcut but that was about it. he couldn't remember her height or her cheeks or much else. 

she was dead, gone, and he knew that he'd never see her again. he sat on the cold, hard floor of the boys' bathroom with his knees tucked into his chest. tears were running down his face and he continued to just cry. 

it was an extroardinarily long school day for him. he was so anxious that he felt sick to his stomach all day. his friends did their best to make him feel better however nothing helped. they'd been trying to help him for ages but nothing worked. they were on the verge of simply giving up. there was nothing more they could do to help him.

after what seemed like the longest day of his life, mike layed in his warm bed and stared up at the ceiling. he finally felt peaceful for the first time in awhile, however he also had a very strange feeling. 

it was like he wasn't the only person in his room even though he obviously was the only person there. at one point he could've sworn he felt something or someone grabbing onto his hand. it freaked him out at first but then he decided that he was just going insane.

he rolled over and then closed his eyes. all he wanted to do was sleep, mainly because he dreamt about eleven every single night. sometimes it was very detailed and then sometimes it was simply them standing together in a barren field.

although no matter what the dream was, it was always about her and it always felt so real. it was like she was right there with him in his dreams. during his dreams he could feel her touch and hear her voice. she was actually with him.

"if you can hear me... i miss you el. and i... i... i l-... n-nevermind. i just miss you." mike muttered to himself quietly.

even though he knew he'd never get to see her in reality again, at least he go to see her in his sleep.

~ ~ ~

if it makes ya feel any better, this particular oneshot is canon so the mileven reunion does in fact happen. i definitely need to write some uh, some happier oneshots though lol. 

thanks for all the support on this book!! i was so scared that nobody was going to read it but it's doing really good so far. it'd be great if you guys could continue voting and leaving some friendly comments. your support really means a ton and i'm very greatful for it

shoutout to city-girll and QuirkyWheeler   for being great friends and reading my books! i also highly recommend that you check them out. they're super talented writers and all of their books are just amazing!

so as always, thanks a lot!

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