pretty hurts

499 19 31

el looked into the shiny mirror and gagged. she hated seeing her reflection because it was a constant reminder of how ugly she was. she absolutely despised the way she looked and would've done literally anything to change it. 

she felt like people acted like everyone else was so much better than her. the fact that everyone was constantly rubbing it in her face didn't help her nonexistent self esteem. she just wanted to be pretty.

she wanted to be like a model. she wanted to be able to look in the mirror and always look perfect. she wanted to be the one that everyone gushed over because of how awesome she looked. people told her she was beautiful, but she never believed it.  

she genuinely didn't understand how anybody with a functioning brain could find her beautiful. she looked nothing like the models on tv, or the celebrities that people gushed over. she wanted to look like them. she wanted nothing more than to look like her favorite actress. 

the actress in question was gorgeous. she was admired by millions for her good looks. el once asked someone if she was as pretty as that actress to which she was answered with "of course not!" 

she felt worthless. her hair was a wavy mess, she had bad skin, she had some scars on her face and body, her stomach wasn't completely flat due to the irresistible taste of eggos, and she hated her sense of fashion.

all of a sudden she heard a knock at the front door. she suddenly remembered that her friend mike was coming over that day. she was on the verge of tears due to her looking at her reflection for so long. she really didn't want to have to see anyone right then.

the brunette girl sighed deeply and reluctantly made her way to the front door. she took in one more large breath and then opened the door. mike stood outside with a huge smile on his face.

he confidentially had a crush on el. he'd had a crush on her for a handful of months but he was still trying to work up the courage to tell her. he was worried that a girl as beautiful as el wouldn't want anything to do with him. in his opinion, she was way out of his league.

"you ready for that stupid book report? or... we could play video games!" he exclaimed in  a half serious yet half joking manner. in reality he just wanted to hang out with her, he didn't want to work on a book report.

she shrugged and mumbled something that he didn't hear. he could instantly tell that something was wrong, she was doing a horrible job of hiding it. 

"hey uh... what's wrong?" he asked as he followed her into the living room.

she pursed her lips and chuckled silently. "it's nothing. you'd think it's dumb."

he smiled softly and gently placed a hand on her shoulder. "there's nothing you could tell me that would be dumb."

he couldn't believe that he put his hand on her shoulder. the contact made his heart start beating much faster. he was falling really hard for her and there was nothing he could do about it. all he could do was wait for the courage to ask her out.

"i'm just... i wish i looked like anyone else. i look so gross. i'm disgusting." she stated while looking down at her feet.

mike frowned and his stomach churned. he had no idea how she thought that she was ugly. it was very far from the truth. she was gorgeous. she was the most incredible girl he'd ever seen in his entire life.

he wasn't exactly sure what to say. he'd never seen such a beautiful person call themself ugly before. 

"el i... i think you're incredible." he said softly with a slight smile on his face.

she scoffed. "you're just being nice."

he pursed his lips. it hurt him to know that she didn't believe him.

"no i'm not. i think you're the most beautiful girl i've ever seen in my life. ever since seeing you, nobody else looks attractive to me. you're absolutely stunning." mike stated firmly.

she smiled. she wasn't sure if she believed him or not although it was nice to have someone say those things about her. especially hearing those words from someone as cute as mike. he was probably the most handsome boy she'd ever seen in her life, so it was cool to know that he thought she was attractive.

and for the first time in a very long time, she genuinely felt pretty.

~ ~ ~

sorry this one is bad oops. i'm kinda thinking of going on hiatus cause nobody reads any of my stuff and wattpad is dead af. the first chapter of my new book got lots of stuff but the second chapter has jack shit which makes me sad 

so vote please  have a good day bye

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