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How many sleepless nights ?
Thinking about those unreasoning fights
Nights that own your mind
Did hope ever show you a sign ?
How many tears wasted ?
For a life you never wanted
Too much for a soul to bear
Each nerve was haunted by your fear
How many blades have touched that skin ?
Your body doesn't deserve this merciless sin
Scars that are just too deep
The wounds was no promise to keep
How many days do you wake up to the open sky ?
Only to regret opening your eyes
To love to live never came
Every single hour was the same
How many meaningless nightmares ?
That made you shiver in need of care
Endless thoughts of reality
That was purely filled with misery
How many years have you gone through with the same pain ?
And those torturing cries in the rain
Did life ever give you another choice ?
Or a chance for someone to hear your voice
How many words tore you apart ?
Count the knives in your heart
The world was always selfish and cruel
But your world, only you deserve to rule...

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