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A father's love, a father's care
His world will forever be his daughter
With no choice but to change into a mother
To be special and beautiful was her life
Two bodies yet one soul
There's no pain yet he heals
She wants to be covered from the cold, he knows
The she learns to go to her daddy
Whenever she wants to, just always!
She's a baby but he's her baby
He's a carer but she's his babysitter
Bothered like her life depends;
On the scratch on her father's hand
As if the bleeding stops
And the scar disappears
He feels when she blows and rubs
There's no better happiness than this
"Than she being my little princess"
Because he hasn't seen an angel
Her eyes show the best one
The limits of affection breaks
When she shows it to her father
He replies her concerns like they're all true
But then she wants her mommy
She asks why she's different
Having only one person who loves her
"God keeps some angels to himself and let some with people like me"
"So that I can go with my angel to admire heaven"
He promises

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This is a story of a father who's abnormal , who lost his wife when she gave birth to his daughter. To speak out their amazing relationship was impossible and to the love they share is indescribable ❤

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