Nineteenth-Me and You

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Me and You

Waking up in the middle of the night
We just make it feel so right
Dreaming about how our future is like
Darkness, but you were my only light
As I look up to you like a shining star
But you were my whole sky, the speciality you are
It's like we're stuck together though we're far
I've closed you in my heart like a mouse in a jar
You read my mind like a letter
And cut away my worries like a scissor
You're the glue that fixes my heart together
But you still crave to be better
Because no one else should take your place
You drew memories with a clear trace
When you're around my eyes stick to your face
You hold us together like a shoe lace
Never could I think of a life without you
Because we grew love so strong, so true
I feel it every second, yes I do!
If there's one thing I'd wish to stay forever, it'd be me and you!

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