Thirteen- Orphan

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An eye for an orphan
Even to ask 'why?' was no one
A soul with no place to go
Surrender her fear to let know
But they earn no glory
To stare was only people with no worry
The world was always so cruel
With people who're heartless tools
Who only used their selfishness
Let him live a life fearless
Of the next hour's horror
Which makes his scars a little deeper
Being dead in the corner of the street
A usual to be hit by men's feet
As she let's the words to be spoken
Silently listening to her heart getting broken
Not bothering to live alive
Knowing her brother can't stay hungry to survive
So she feeds her little tummy
With garbage that demands inquiry
Because food can't be thrown to the ground
Its to be in the bins that are kept around
People never understand the gem they dispose
It was the orphans who collected them by force;
Of losing what they don't have
Hearing her brother's cry making a soundless wave
Life is unfair for the ones most deserved
Maybe the hereafter is where they'll be served

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