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This is a mix up of about 3 songs as well as my own words which I've made as a poem

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I tried to go one like I never knew you
Challenging to keep my happiness true
This world has got me forsaken
I prayed for this heart to be unbroken
But without you all I am is incomplete
You let me bleed until I can't breathe
I'm shaking and falling onto my knees
All you're unforgivable deeds
Got me tripping over myself
I'm aching, begging you to come help
Slowly getting used to this loneliness
So easy for you to leave me in such a mess
Stuck in the same old cage
Reading the memories of you on every page
Broken again, just a little deeper
A little more weaker
Find me impossible to heal
An unbearable wound with pain so real
And I try to get you out of my mind
But recollections are never hard to find
So I'll keep hunting for something called "peace"
And wait for the day when we meet
And I'd find you like I used to be, INCOMPLETE

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