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Flicka's POV

I countied down the dark sidewalk of our city. At this late time of night, Only a few people here and there were scattered along the dark way.

  All the shops were closed, as it was 11:00pm, and all the lights were off. Only a few streetlights along the street.

  This was my time of night.

  I had stolen food two weeks ago. Even though I only eat once or twice a day and very little, it didn't last as long as it should've. I have to steal again tonight.

  As I pass a clothing store, the tattered year old pieces of tight clothing that hugged my body seemed to get even more tight. This was going to be a longer night than I thought.

  I looked around the dark city block, but nobody was looking at me. As always. So I snooped around the store in search of the spare key The shops always have them.

  I finally find one under a flower pot. I carefully and silently open the ship door and snuck inside.

  In the dark, I found a black, noodle strap, tank top and a blue skirt thay reaches a bit above my knees. Good. These were good looking clothes.

  Then, I snuck out of the shop, locked the door, and out the key back. I am really good at this. I hate myself for it.

  I then, once again, I slip into the shadows to go get my food.


I am back in the alleyway, eating for the first time in 2 days. I had put it off. I wiped my mouth on a good towel I found out infront of a house. Stealing. I know.

  Also, I got underneath the heavy comforter I found on a clothes line outside a nice, but empty at the moment, house. Stealing. I know.

  I put my head on a pillow with a nice case I found outside a mattress store for display. I think the sighn said it was 'memory foam'. Stealing again. You caught me.

  But the only thing I didn't steal was the big bags of whatever underneath me. They were very comfy and soft. They must've been full of feathers. But they were there when I got here! Promise!

  My comforter isolated me from the brisk air of the night, and my eyes closed and I fell asleep. Slowly, and then all at once.



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