Back Story

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Flicka's POV

"Yes, princes. I am here" He says, sweeping me into his chest. "But they said my parents were dead!" I exclaimed, pulling out of the hug. He helped me down on the bed so I didn't hurt any of my casts.

  The feeling of happiness never left me as his smile faded. He started to speak.

  "Your Mom and Step-dad are dead" He says.

  My smile is sweeped away. The lump in my throat returns. The 'Father' I thought I had when I was 5 wasn't even mine. How could that be? I knew that he looked nothing like me and I looked nothing like mom but how? And when I had that flashback, somehow I had forgotten how the man that stood before me wasn't the man I grew up with?

   He smiles as he begins the story  "Your mother and I where in great love. We had you, and our lives were even more complete. One day, when you where two, we went to a movie theater" He begans. His smile darkens.

   "I had gone with you to gt some popcorn and candy. We were gone a long time, but when we returned, your mother was standing with another man. They were talking and laughing and she had that twinkle in her eyes" He said sadly, a tear rolling down his cheek. My broken heart clenched.

  "The Twinkle that she only had when she was talking to me" He finished. He sniffed, flicked the tear off his cheek and sat up straight and tall. A fake smile flashed on his face for a fraction of a second.

  "Anyway, When we went home, she was acting different. Often, I would wake up to her twinkling laugh coming from the bathroom and the cord of our phone stretched to fit under the door. She would leave in a hurry many times, for no reason, and return late at night" He countinues, his face stiff at the memory.  

     His expression was not here, his eyes were seeing something eles.

   "Finally, I confronted her. She confessed to seeing the other man. I got very upset. As any man should. But she apologized and said she would stop. She slept on the couch that night. But when I woke up, she was gone. And so were you" He finishes, tears in his eyes.

   "But I loved you Flicka. And it wasn't fair for me to loose you. Oh, no" He days, shaking his head. I don't see really. My vision is in this story.

  "So I tracked you. And I found you. I knocked on your door one night. It was dark and rainy. Your mother answered the door. I was taken aback at how beautiful she still was. I forgot everything at that one moment my eyes met my wife's for the first time in years" He says.

We are in the story together. I can almost hear the pitter patter of the rain.

  "She tried to shut the door, but I stopped her. I told her how I missed you and how it wasn't fair for her to just take you like that. I told her one day I would have you again" He continues.

   "So She slammed the door. And I slept in a hotel nearby. The next day, I knocked on the door again, and a man answered the door. I recognized him from the movie theater all those years ago"

  "He told me that he didn't have you and that they hid you where I would never find you. I grabbed him by the shirt and I told him how I loved you"

  "so he brought me inside and sat me Down. He said that you were Five now, and he gave me a picture. But he also Said I would never see you again. And he Saud that you were his daughter now" tears brimmed hos eyes.

  "So I left and I never returned. I heard they had died. That man shot my wife and himself" He has his head in his hands now. Tears brim my eyes and threaten to spill over.

   "I never stopped looking for you Flicka. Never" He says. I burst into tears. He hold my head and presses it into his chest. He pets my hair ad I ruin His jacket with my snot and tears.


  I am happy I lived.

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