Secrate Chapter

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Flicka's POV

Two weeks later

I am in my Father's truck, My cast up on the dashboard. The last time I was in a car, it was 7 years ago and my parents were abandoning me.

   I breathed slowly and easily as we drove out of the city and into the suburbs. Dad thrummed his fingers on the steering wheel.

   "Flicka, I can't believe after 7 years of searching for you, I finally have you. This has been my dream, this moment right here. I have waned this to happen for 7 years" He says. Tears border my eyes.

   He sniffs and flicks away at his own eyes. "I also have to tell you something. Your name isnt Flicka. Thats your middle name. We just loved to call you that" He began. I gasped. My name isn't Flicka? I feel like my whole life is a lie!

   My father isn't my Father, My mother ran sway from my real one for no reason. My name isnt What I thought it would be. What's next?

   "Your name is Allison. Allison Flicka Garton"

   I nodded. Allison.  I could live with that. My broken heart altered and felt a little better. All the secrets of my life are solved. Allison. The name gives me a chance to start fresh.

   I smile. "I love the name Allison. You can call me.... Alley" I say. The name sparks my imagination. A piece of my old life in my new start.

   As I am imagining my new life, I feel something on my cast. I look up. The car has stopped infront of a house.

   It is big and has steps leading up to the front door. It is raised off the street and the house sits ontop of the garage.

   I finally tear my gaze off of the beautiful dream house and onto my cast. Dad has a pen in his hand and is writing on it, leaning over the two seats.

  I look over to see what he wrote in such big letters.




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