Back Away?

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Flicka's POV

  I pulled away. My whole life was gonna change.

  I have always been the unseen girl who wandered the alleyway. I have always been that scary girl who sometimes lurched in the shadows. I have always been the weird girl who sat with her backs against dumpsters, scribbling at old homework papers. I am always that dirty girl siting beneath a tree and closing my eyes that nobody goes near.

    How could I change who I am?

(A/N Of course, you are probably thinking "Flicka just nearly committed suicide why would she not want to change what she thought was so miserable this is confusing I am not going to read this anymore this author is bonkers" But you would be wrong.

  She does hates her life, but she also knows no different life. She thinks she will loose herself if she doesn't be who she is. And she is an Alleycat.

  I bet everyone has thought at one time or another "I hate my life" But anyone, even Flicka can find light in the darkness.

   Carry on!)

I backed up even farther from him. He held his arms out in confusion.

   "I don't know if I can Dad. My whole life has been in the Alleyway, by myself. Being Free. I will loose myself if I can't do that" I say. My broken, boggled, heart aches.

    He smiled weakly. "I know Flicka. I realized that. So whenever you want, you can leave and go explore and do what you usually do. But promise you will always come back.  I will feed you and give you baths and do your hair and I will make sure your everyneed is taken care of. But at the end of the day, I'd you want to go back to the Alley, or go explore in the city, I won't judge you" He said, tears sprinkled his eyes.

   His big hand wrapped around my tiny one.


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