Inside Scoop (Short)

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Police Officer's POV

   I followed to kid. She was pretty. She had longish light brown hair and hazel eyes. Her completion was great too. She was pretty. She had on a srapted, black, tanktop and a purple/blushish skirt and a nice belt.

  But she was alone. She had packed up her whole camp and ran. I had chased her too. But as I saw her dash away, I was too slow.

  When I got down, she was nowhere to be seen. She is fast. Or she doesnt want to be found.

  Maybe she is the one kid everyone is talking about. The kid who has been missing for 7 years.

  That kid's parents were murdered and the murder said he was looking for a five year old girl in the confession room. But 7 years later, she would be 12. The guessed age of that girl. Could she be Flicka?

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