Close Call

36 3 0

Flicka's POV

  I wake up to Sun splashing my face with warmth. I groan at my back ache and get up. I blink rapidly.

  The Alleyway is empty, thankfully, but I hear people's voices. Adult voices. I press my back up against the old bricks. I have to leave.

  Then, I hear the voices getting closer and closer to the Alleyway. I hold my breath. But to no avail.

   A head peaks over and sees me. A police man. I remember my last encounter with Foster Care when I was 6 and I don't want to do it again.

  "Hey! Kid!" He shouts, when he sees my little area. Quicklyx I stuff everything in my backpack. I am very fast. I hoist it onto my back.

  The man starts running towards me. I run too, but faster. I jump onto a metal gutter and climb. The man tries, but he can't. I climb and climb. Finally, I reach the top of the building.

  But I can't stay here either. The man found a ladder. I look around frantically. "Kid! I want to help you!" He shouts. I shake my head violently.

  My eyes fall on the side of the building. It leads to the other building!

  I quickly hop on the granite and walk fast. My eyes are straight ahead and my arms are out, holding my balance.

  I get to the other side. There is a ladder Down. I climb down, my backpack slowing me.

  Right as my feet hit the black street, I start to run.

Faster! Faster! The voice in my head urges me on.

  "Kid!" I hear. I just run faster. I run the backroads. Those roads lead out of town if you get a good 3 miles in.

  The man doesn't follow, so I slow down and walk. This will be a long way.



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