Snaped like a twig

32 4 1

Flicka's POV

I finally for to the top. He stood at the bottom.

"Your parents are dead, Flicka" He screams up at me.

  The words hit me like swords. They stabb my heart and pierce my brain. Everything is numb.

  Suddenly, a random song floats into my frozen brain. I humm it.

"You're gone, gone, gone away

I watched you disappear"

   The words float so softly on my small lips. They barely exist because of how silent they are.

  Not heard. Not seen. Not felt.

  Just like me.

  I whisper sorry to my words, creating them into a world that will never exept them.

Just like me.

The ratty girl on the street that looks just like a piece of dirt. Why havent they scooped her up and put her in a plastic bag like the rest of the trash?

Where she belongs.

Why isn't she ever with people like her?

Because there is none.

I am all alone.

By  myself.

Just like those words that will never be heard.

I am invisible.



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