Chapter 5:

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                                                                            THREE DAYS LATER

it was only one more day till Max came back!Here is how my other days have gone:
day two:I didn't talk to Bryce or Ella,almost got into a fight with someone I hate named Teddy.
Day three:Met Jacob and he is an okay friend.Got yelled at for not talking to Bryce and Ella.

I walked off the bus and to the library (which is an Library aid only thing).A few other kids I didn't know we're in here cause today the library was open for everyone.I got my book out as I felt a tap on my shoulder.

Bryce:Abby why are you mad at me?
Me:I'm not.
Bryce:Sure,and i'm not an actor that people think your using so you don't want to be my girlfriend because of it?

I looked at him as he looked a little scared.What is up with this boy and he wanting me to be his girlfriend?I sigh and close my book as he sits down next to me.

Me:I've never had a lot of friends...I've only had two really...Darren who moved over the summer,i knew him since 1st grade and same with my other friend Max.
Bryce:I'm not talking about a friendship Abby...but if you want to friendzone me i'm okay with that.
Me:...Are you sure?
Bryce:Yeah,trust me!

I smiled and hugged him as we smiled at each other.Me and Bryce both than walked to class right as Mia walked in as Bryce grabbed my hand.Okay maybe he didn't get the fact friendzone but I feel his pain.

Bryce:Sorry!I know that girl likes me,she called me sugar daddy!Like I don't wanna be someone's sugar daddy!Plus you like her sooo!
Me:How do you know everything!
Bryce:I know a thing or two!

We laughed and sat down in our seats as Ella and Jacob we're already their.We ended up talking about pineapples.Yup they seem like good friends to me.I told them and that made them laughed making me laugh.

The rest of the day was fine,got home did my homework till 6:30 than ate dinner and by 8 was ready to head to I could get more sleep!

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