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Joy my baby~~~~~!!!!!^^^^ (Just image the purple is super faded!)

"Tonight we celebrate the coming of age of one of our very dear friends, Maxxon Bell. This little shithead has been with us through all four years. Tonight eighteen lashes shall be brought upon him as a ceremony of growth. All he can do is heal and move forward! Onto the stand, my friend." The boss sneered. He said this for every eighteen-year-old moving up to adult ranking. He never really cared though. Why would he? He was a pretty high ranking demon that didn't care what happened to us human low-lives. Who knows, maybe he would just kill us had the limit of human life rule came into play. You couldn't kill any human under 21, and you had to have at least five hundred humans in your camp at a time for each square mile. Just so you could gage the size of New Yorks population now, we had 8.6 million people before, and now there are seven thousand six hundred and fifty-one people left in this camp.

New York was a massacre.

I snapped out of my little trance to be pushed up to a stand with a rusted silver pole sticking up from the center. My heart dropped into my stomach. I had been through all of this before, it shouldn't be so bad. A bead of sweat ran down my forehead. It was always bad. I stepped up the stairs of the stand, shivering as I walked. They roughly grabbed me, dragging my arms and tying them to the pole. I didn't struggle.

The boss ripped off my dirty slave's shirt, exposing my back already littered with scars from previous years of torture. "Two till, Sir." One demon from behind me spoke. I couldn't decipher if it was male or female.

"Great. Liz, go grab him a new shirt. Make sure it's an adult's, he leaves tomorrow night and I don't want to deal with this one." The she-demon in front of me bowed from the waist, popped up, and ran off without so much as a word. "Now listen here, you little shit," a demon, the boss, spoke to me from behind, "you're leaving tomorrow night to the adult barracks, you're going to be escorted along with all the other eighteen-year-olds from March. You have no idea how lucky you are that your birthday is the first, otherwise, we would be having so much fun with you." He licked the shell of my ear with his split tongue. I shivered

It's true, eighteen-year-olds get carted off on the first of every month. If you're eighteen and still in a child's camp, the can do anything to you. They can rape, starve, kill, beat, and torture without and repercussion of the population law. Most eighteen-year-olds die before even getting to leave. I'm so lucky to have an April first birthday, means they only have one day to do their worst. Yeah right.

"Boss, it's midnight." The same demon from behind me spoke. My brows furrowed together harshly. I clenched my jaw as tight as humanly possible.

"Let us begin! Everybody, COUNT!" The monster snarled out, scaring the humans with his pitch black sclera.











I started fading in and out of consciousness. Everybody does when they get whipped, The leather's ends were laced in poison ivy, itching powder, and lemon juice. NOT THE GREATEST FUCKING COMBINATION!


And then it was over. And then everything went black.


I became conscious long before mobile, forcing me to hear all the whispers around me about my coming of age. Some say that the other two who had birthdays today had passed out after only a few, leaving me as the strongest. That was to be expected though, as one of them was only ten, the other a mere fourteen. I shivered at the thought of being stuck here more than four years, it was hard enough as it was for one day!

The youngest kid in camp, Eli, was a six year old. She was taken from her family at the age of two and put to work due to her potential mental capacity. They taught her advanced math and input information into her brain to make her a living, breathing robot. She went to work for the camp at the age of three. I could only imagine.

But then, if you were lucky, you had the possibility of getting put into the human breeding system. They treated you less like dirt, so that was nice.

Once I had finally gained feeling in my body, the soreness came in. It crashed down over me like a tidal wave, drowning me till I couldn't hear nor feel anything else. The pain demanded attention no matter how hard I fought against it. And at last, I let it consume me. My vision going dark once more.

My eyes snapped open. What the fuck am I doing? I shot up in bed, groaning at the loss of pressure. How cruel of them to leave me back down, I much rather would have suffocated.

A moan of pain slipped past my lips as I threw my legs over the edge of the bed. The other boys in the room scurried to help me. Though we had been stuck here for four years now, we had become a small family. A family that didn't like to leave the others behind, but weren't afraid to. But that was all we had. That was all I had.

And that's all I ever would.

If you wanna make me a cover for this shitty book, that would be much appreciated lol. I don't know how I feel about this book. I just wanna write and this was the first thing to come to mind. If you have any other story ideas, those would also be much appreciated! :)))))))) -Your friendly neighborhood potato

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