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Eyes wide, mouth agape, and heart pounding, I pushed my hands from my side to my eyes, shading myself away from the rest of the world. If you can't see them, they can't see you. If you can't see them, they can't see you. If you can't see them, they c-

Hands suddenly grabbed onto my fingers and gently dragged them down back onto my lap. I kept my eyelids tightly squished together. If my heart wasn't already going a million miles an hour, it was going 100 billion now.

"Calm down. What's wrong?"

"I'm fucking embarrassed as all hell. That's what's wrong."

The demon chuckled, bellowing from deep within his gut. Leather brushed against my skin as Leon shifted position, facing me directly. My eyes found their way down to my hands, fingers weaving in and out. To say the least, I'm a nervous wreck. Too caught up with trying not to cry, I didn't hear the dude next to us shifting.

"Oh boy, you're gonna have a great time dealing with this later."

My heart dropped. I still haven't thought about later. Oh boy. A gruff growl let out from beside me, and my comfort levels dropped lower and lower as did my heart. His eyes glowed navy once more, but not in a dangerous way, more in a focused manner, as if he was alone in his own world. Once his eyes returned to normal, Leon leaned back and sighed, shoving his hands in his face.

"It'll be fine. I will take care of it. For now, we will finish today's work before heading home."


The green-haired male just nodded, leaning back and shutting his eyes. The ride was silent for a solid two hours before the car stopped. While the other guy got out, Leon grabbed my arm tight, holding it steady until the door closed.

"You may speak, but do try to be quiet. We need to get this work done. You can walk around on your own if you get bored, the collar should keep you safe, and I've had a servant come up here with some clothes. Get dressed in the car and come out afterward."

I only nodded brain not quite processing everything. We'll make it up on our own. I looked out the tinted windows as Leon stepped out, leaving the door open before walking away. In the time I unbuckled, he was back by my side with a pair of dark grey pants, a white dress shirt, and a silky, navy suit jacket. Leaning over, I shut the door and slipped out of the rags hanging off my body to the floor.

Slipping everything on felt like going to the spa especially actually having underwear. The navy jacket hung off my body just right, but the shirt was a little big and the waistline of the pants had to be held up a little, but it was better than anything else I've had in a while. Leon probably didn't know my size, so he did an amazing job guessing.

Once ready, I took a deep breath and moved over; throwing my old clothes in the process. I snapped open the door, sticking my foot out, no shoes or socks, and feeling the cracked asphalt path beneath my feet. Leon stood against the hood, leaning back and looking toward the sky. Throwing my hand to my mouth in a fist, I cleared my throat quite softly. He looked down to me, soft smirk slipping onto his devilishly handsome face.

"Looks nice, but it's missing something."

Soon, like magic, a hand snuck behind his back and pulled out a box. Handing it to me slowly, his smile widened as I opened it. To say I was expecting heeled boots would be false. I sat on the street and slipped the shoes on without socks. The inside was fuzzy and felt nice against my skin. I wiggled my toes a little and laid back and let a content sigh leave my lips.

"Alright, Kitten," He heaved me up, setting me lightly on my feet, "Let's go." Thus, we started walking toward the large gate. My heart was pumping blood faster than ever, for some unknown reason. As my feet hit against the grass floor, my head began to pound in rhythm to my steps. What was I doing? Why the fuck am I going along with this?

A soft 'fuck' was heard from beside me as I began to shake. I felt one hand on either of my shoulders as they pushed me to the side, turning me to face my captor. Captor? No. Maybe? I don't know what this feeling is. Like water dripping from a rusty faucet, something new from something old. I feel like a snake, shedding my skin in the harsh of winter.

"Okay, listen to me. Calm down, I understand. It feels weird right?" I nodded. "Okay, feels like your body is changing, yeah?" I shook my 'no'. He sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Alright. So, it's like hot flashes, but for mates. The more submissive partner is going to go through changes to suit the more dominant mate. It's gonna happen a lot, just be ready."

Nodding sadly, I walked ahead, breaking free of the man behind me. I clashed my way through the metal fence and kept walking. What was on the inside scared me beyond belief.

People, teenagers and younger kids, pushed around by demons and blood pooled around at every turn. No humans were talked, some even had their lips sewn shut. They were carrying around pails of water or stones, I saw no clear destination.


"Leave it. It is what it is, and it's none of our business."

"None of our business, I thought you ran this place?"

He pinched my cheek harshly, pulling out slightly as a grandmother would to her grandchildren. Taking a few light steps forward, he reached out and dragged me by my arm to the center of it all. Demons were buzzing around, laughing and drinking, one had just run by with fresh blood soaking his clothes. I tried not to gag.

"This is fucked up. It's like concentration camps. You're as bad as the Nazi's." I sneered quietly to Leon. Crossing my arms against my chest obviously upset.

"Kitten, are you just now realizing this?" Leon asked as he leaned down to my height. Grabbing me by the waist and turning me around to one of the corners where a line of humans came marching forward. My eyes widened and I tried not to wretch as loud bangs echoed out into the air. 

"Trust me when I say, we're much worse."

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