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It was fast, almost faster than lightning, as I sprung into action. Shielding Eli with my body was one thing, but taking a bullet for her was on a whole other level, for someone I had just met at least. She was cute though, and I didn't regret shielding her or giving my life for hers. She had so much left to do, and to experience. All of this was my fault and I needed to atone.
When a searing pain blossomed between my ribs, I wasn't surprised.

Thick,  vivid liquid spilled from my parted lips and chest. When it didn't go dark immediately, I was astonished. How was I not dead? Pink locks flitted down into my eyes, glistening with sweat, taking my focus away from the pain, even if just for one second.

"BOSS!" Someone shouted, the creaking of floorboards following out afterward. Eli shifted in my peripheral vision, her small hand coming to a rest on my shoulder. Reaching out, I drag Eli to my body, hand pressed over the bloody wound as she laid in my lap.

"Are you okay, Mister?" Eli asked, big eyes looking up to me, filled with sorrow. I choked back my tears, refusing to let my pain get the best of me. Nodding to her, I could feel heavy sweat rolling down my face in fat bullets. Fading colors soon flashed through my vision; my tight grip on Eli the only thing keeping me from passing out. Soon, I felt hands gripping me from my underarms, pulling me up smoothly, my grip on Eli giving out soon, leading her to slip off my lap with ease. I was settled on the hip of the man; Leon, I deduced due to the feeling of comfort that I had grown prematurely accustomed to.

"What happened? Are you okay?" I nodded before my head lulled to the left. He sighed before lifting my hand from its grip over top of my bullet wound to the rib. He stared at it for a few moments before letting gout a drawn-out sigh. "Let's take care of that, then we can leave."

The few seconds I wasn't paying attention were a blessing in disguise, had I known what he was about to do, I would have clocked him and ran, even though I know I was too weak to do shit to the giant. His hand placed itself over the wound, and HE FUCKING SQUEEZED! Letting out a choked cry, I desperately tried to pull his arm from my ribs, clinging to him like a monkey and pulling at his arm with all the might I could muster.

Soon, he released me, but not before tightening his grip on my waist. I wiggled like a bug, but slower and more constricted. On the upside, I didn't feel like I was about to die anymore. "What did you do?" I gurgled out slowly. I felt Leon start to walk slowly, bouncing me on his hip as if I were a baby. Not gonna lie, It was hella calming.

"I just healed you, Baby. I know it hurt, but you did so well with not screaming." He spoke slowly, his deep voice calming me down and riling me up at the same in a confusing turn of events. I hummed with content as I rested my head in his shoulder, mumbling random words as the world faded.

"ELI!" I screamed out, surprising Leon enough to loosen his grip. For some reason, I didn't pull away. "I need Eli! We can't leave her behind." Starting louder and getting quieter until I faded away, tears pooling all around. He began shushing me, bouncing up and down as he turned around back to camp. After a minute or two, we were back in front of the cabin stained with blood. A few humans were okay, but Janice and Gary weren't standing with the others. My tears slowed down as Leon put me down.

Rushing over to Eli, I scooped her up off the ground, holding her crying body. "Why did you leave me, mister? I thought we were friends." She wept.

"We are, I wasn't going to leave, I was just talking to somebody, yeah?" I whispered out. "Mommy left you, huh? I'm so sorry, this is all my fault."


"I made a big mistake, and a lot of people freaked out." Leon bent down to our hight on the floor, people around us making way, scared of what the demon overlord would do. He seemed unemotional as all the humans left wallowed and whispered. I looked up to him with tear-filled eyes, silently begging him for something I didn't fully understand. I pulled away from Eli for a minute, rising from the floor.

"I can do one of two things; erase her memory of her mum, or we can take her with us."

"There's no way we could take her with us. She's traumatized, we have to erase her memory or she'll suffer forever. Dammit! Why can't we just do both?!" I pleaded, worry lacing my words as something hot worked up my throat. His face contorted for a minute, thinking heavily.

"The question is whether you want her to just come with us out of pity or love." I had to think for a minute. I knew I wanted to take her home the minute I saw her, get her out of this hell hole and let her live a life she never could before, but the more I think about it, the more it sounds like pity. "Listen, I think she's fucking adorable, but it's your choice; although, I think I already know the answer. Just promise me one thing, we'll still have our own kids even if we take her in." His words made me spit up a little.

"Excuse me, WHAT?" He chuckled a little, holding my face with his hands.

"The period you're in now is the transformation, your body is transforming to grow accustomed to me, lots of changes are happening, and one of them is that you're body is growing a womb for you to carry babies. Our babies. And I know you don't want them now, hell, probably not for a while, and once the honeymoon period is over you're going to hate me, but eventually, I know you'll come around. So please don't freak out."

My jaw hung open at him. Jesus, how badly I wanted to make his life a living fucking hell, but the way he looked at me with puppy dog eyes as he begged me to practically love him made my heart swell. A crazy grin spread on my face at the heartwarming thought. This cocky idiot was begging me for love. At that moment I was tempted to give it to him, to stop fighting his advances when they felt so good. I giggled a little bit, throwing my arms around his neck.

"I think I've made my decision."

YOO, it's been so long, but imma try to get a second chapter out tonight so ya'll don't have to suffer anymore. I'm so sorry about the wait for anyone who actually looks forward to this. I should probably set an update schedule but I can't seem to stick to it. I'm working on two other books rn and just can't find time for the published one. UGH. AP World is also kinda kicking my ass at the moment, so I'm sorry :( I will hopefully see you in the next chapter either tn or tmrw!

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