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"Eli, honey, let's go home." Leon cooed gently, uncharacteristic of the brute when it came to anything else but me. I giggled as Eli grappled onto my leg, terrified of the beast of a man looking at her from his crouched position. Her aqua eyes reflected with tears she hadn't shed yet. When we told her that Jancie had died she had broken down for a solid two hours, or until she couldn't cry anymore. Leon had gone to talk to the camp director about the development and had returned a few minutes ago. 

Watching him alter her memories was harsh, especially when she screamed bloody murder the whole damn time. But, at least now, she doesn't have any memories regarding Jancie as her mother and just thinks the woman took her in along with everyone else in the cabin as another member of the camp. Of course, telling her Jancie, Gary, and a bunch of other people from the cabin had died led to a jerky, near breakdown reaction, but at least it wasn't heartbreaking to her like it was before. It may have been inhumane, but later in her life, maybe we would tell her. We just didn't want her to grow up dealing with all that trauma.

Leon sighed before standing up. He looked like a dejected puppy before quickly replacing it with a colder facial expression. "Let's get to the car before anything else happens." He quickly added, moving his long-ass legs forward and grappling my hand. Eli scrambled behind as I was pulled before falling into place with us. She took my hand sheepishly, but when I smiled down at her, she beamed brightly. Eli may have been small, but she was three inches taller than average for her age, leading her to have a quicker stride than I thought possible.

Once we made it to the car and settled down, Eli in between Leon and I, Leon looked over to me, beaming brightly. I smiled at him too, leaning forward to kick off the heeled boots before practically melting into the seat. "Haven't even made it home yet and we already have a child." He quipped, making me laugh out jerkily.

"Yeah. What a turn of events. I'm not unhappy about it, it just means we have one more room to clean." I wheezed out, he chuckled before falling back into the seat. 


Another few hours passed, and Eli had been out like a light for a while. Leon was stroking her hair, constantly muttering about how dirty she was, or what they needed to do when they got home. Even though they had a few camps left to hit, they were gonna take a break for Eli to get used to us and me to finish up my transformation period. (As for the bullet wound, it had healed up all the way when Leon had squeezed it, so it wasn't bothering me at all.)

On that same car ride, I had found out that Leon could turn Eli and me into demons relatively painlessly, but we were gonna give it some time until things settled down a little bit. Once Eli was ready he would turn both of us, then we would set out again. Another thing we found was that I was already out of the honeymoon period, in fact, mine was much shorter than a normal mates. When in the honeymoon period, it is impossible to wish any type of ill intent toward one another, the brain scrambles itself so hard the only emotion one can feel with their dominant partner's influence so heavily around them is infatuation.

The best guess we had was as to why it was so short was that I had never fully fought it, so it pulled a reverse psychology move and yeeted off before we had noticed. I was still slightly put off by the large demon, but he was growing on me. It doesn't mean I didn't want to yank his teeth out, boil them, and feed them to a dog any less though, but that's just love.

Leon had also explained all of the stages of mating:

Acceptance, he said was like a cloud of euphoria, where you subconsciously accept or reject your mate. (You have no real say in this, as it is unconsciously made, so don't even try to fight it, it doesn't end up mattering.) If you reject them, the period stops suddenly and the bond is broken, if you accept them then you move onto the next stage, Transformation. During transformation, the submissive partner's body will undergo changes to meet the needs of the dominants. (Demons are either submissive or dominant in nature, there is no in-between. Reincarnates are almost always submissive demons who were too pure.) Either during or after the transformation period is the honeymoon period. This is the time mates are meant to be forming a bond, but human mates once snapped out of it often lose all semblance of what they created with the demon due to conscious unacceptance. Once the honeymoon period is over, the dominant enters into a state of wrath, where everything and anything that goes against his mate becomes an immediate target of violence. (Luckily, Leo n hasn't entered this stage yet, although I was told that he ripped the head off the demon that accidentally shot me.) This is called the Storm period. Eventually, the dominant will settle down (about 2-3 day period), and then they enter that last stage of mating, actually mating. Of course, this involves sex and blah blah blah, but what caught my ear was that once this happens, I will basically transform into a demon. The human always does. During this period the dominant marks the submissive, thus making it so other demons don't interfere and so on. The whole process is supposed to take about a week, but due to my shorter acceptance period and honeymoon phase, it may only take 5 days or so.

Apparently the acceptance period euphoria feeling was meant to last a day, but after seeing Micheal, I was snapped out of it prematurely, even if the feeling came back, it wasn't long. Leon said I was still going through the transformation, and once I was done he would go through the storm period, which should happen within the next two days. It makes me nervous, but calm thinking about the aftermath.

Maybe this wouldn't be so bad?

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