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"MOTHER FUCKER!" I yelled, stomping my foot down into the dirt below; nasty snarl on my face. Joy looked genuinely terrified; only pausing for a moment before a few tears streaked down her plump cheeks.

"Shit, don't cry, it's fine. I promise it's fine." She only shook her head violently.

"No, it's not!" She pointed to my neck. "I know you can't fucking read it, but it says "Property of Leon Sinner." You are," she paused, "the property," another pause, "of the most powerful," I was getting annoyed by this point, "demon in the world." Then she threw her hands up for emphasis. "AND HE DID IT HIMSELF," she started screeching.

"Okay, I get it. Just find something to cut it off and whatever." I said as I covered my ears. They were probably bleeding by this point. She frowned and nodded, walking along to go find a saw or something.

I tapped my foot, waiting impatiently for her to get back. I knew I should be looking as well, but Joy would actually kill me if I took a step out f her sight. That girl was insane, I swear.

"I found some rope cutters." suddenly sounded from behind me, almost knocking me off my feet. Spinning around, I sputtered and ended up spitting on Joy's face. Beetroot red was not a good blush match for her. It looked as if she took a deep breath to calm down, but I could be wrong.

"If you don't close your mouth and hold still, I'll use this to cut off your head instead." I can't really tell if I was right or wrong; one way or another, I wasn't going to test her. My spine stiffened as Joy shoved the cutters in my face, dragging them down to my neck threateningly. I gave a sly little smirk as she got to work on the collar.

Continuously the rope cutters came down, but no dice. Closing my eyes, I swallowed hard. If this didn't come off I would yeet myself off a building, I swear. Soon enough, Joy stopped in her tracks. I sighed as I looked at her disappointed face.

"It's fine," I replied nervously. Her disappointment made me self conscious.

"It's not fine! You're going to end up as the property of some demon fuck-head, and nobody is gonna be able to help get your sorry ass out of whatever other hellhole you end up back in. You are an adult, you would be going to do something, and now you're gonna be a slave again. S'no, it's not fuckin' fine!"

I frowned and looked away ashamed.

"You've heard the cattle stories. Who's to say they won't do that to you."

"You think they're gonna eat me?" My eyes scrunched; why would she spit bullshit like that? Most importantly, why did her saying that make me upset and, well, defensive?

"Yes!" See shouted, a little too loud for me, but that was a her problem. I swallowed again.

"Maybe we are just cattle to them." I shrugged.

Beetroot spread over her face again. I could tell she was about to explode.

"Every fucking living thing on this godforsaken planet deserves a life without the fear of being some fucking demons food!"

"What about cows," I paused, thinking a little bit, "and chicken? They don't deserve it yet they live it. That's all they know, all they've fucking ever known! At least we didn't start like this." I bit back quickly. She looked astonished, blubbering like a fish. Suddenly, out of fucking nowhere, a resounding chuckle resonated around the, now, crowded space.

"Is my kitten trying to defend me?" My stomach dropped in fear and something else I couldn't recognize. Turning with a sulky grimace, I spot the tall as shit demon from before. He smirked a little bit before walking up to us. He leaned down to meet me.

"My name is Leon, Kitten. Now, what is yours?" His question sounded more like a statement. I babbled, not able to get out simple words in the heat of the moment. His slight, almost mocking, smile dipped into a straight line. He stood, back popping slightly before advancing on me. I took a few stunned steps back, but he simply bent down, took hold of my waist, and grappled me over his shoulder. I felt like a sack of potatoes, and, honestly, probably looked like one too.

Yeah, no, I was way wrong by saying he was 6 foot, he had to be at least 7! As I looked down, I began to feel ill. Motion sickness was about to fuck me over once again as he took long strides; bouncing me like a rag doll. As if the man had sensed something was wrong, he almost set me down, repositioning me so I was sitting on his hip like a child. His flexed arm snaked around my back, holding me in place as his other arm wrapped under my knees and butt. I blush, to say the fucking least.

"Wha-?" was all I managed to get out before he started shushing me like a child. I pulled my head away with a scowl, locking eyes with the hunk holding me. We, well he, began walking again, this time not stopping. I knew this man wouldn't let me out of his hold, so I had to devise a plan. Without really knowing what I was doing, I shoved my face into the man's neck, bitting down as hard as I could muster anywhere I could sink my teeth.

The giant didn't budge.

He simply chuckled, hand reaching up to stroke my hair gently. This surprised me enough to have my jaw hang open. My head wiped around to look at this guy, shock and fear evident on my face, no doubt.

"It's okay, Kitten. Go ahead and mark your territory, I won't stop you." my mind became a cloud of euphoria. It felt, and I hate to admit it, really fucking good.

"Wh- who are yo-ou?"

He looked down, his smoldering expression scaring but also maybe turning me on a little bit. Smirks really did suit this guy, I deduced as a seductive grin spread across his perfect face.

"I am Leon Sinner, I am the original sin of lust. And you dear, you are my queen."

Lust (hiatus)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin