♥♥♥ Diana Potter X Draco Malfoy ♥♥♥

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Diana expected to wake up in a lot of ways but never did she expect to wake up on a bed in the hospital wing with handaged around her forehead a broken wrist and bandages around her chest with several broken ribs

Soon after she woke up Harry, Hermione and Ron enter the room and walk over to Diana's bed.
Hermione: hey Diana. *says and smiles once they reach her*
Ron: how are you feeling?

Diana: Like a was nearly ran over by giants *groans in pain* What happened last night?

Harry, Hermione and Ron share a look before turning back to Diana and one of them speaks up and answers.
Ron: well can you remember a fight?

Diana: No.. The last thing I remember was trying to get back to the Slytherin common room and everything after that is a blank space *says as she tries to sit up a bit*

Hermione: okay, well you were going to get raped after the fight but your brother, me and ron came just in time to save you.

Diana's eyes went wide with horror just as the sound of feet running at the speed of light towards the Hospital Wing caught their attention

Draco: *bursts in the room running to Diana and completely ignoring the trio as he hugs her but careful of her injuries* Omg, Diana, are you okay? you poor girl, i'm so sorry this happed to you. *rambles on panicked*
Harry, Ron and Hermione share shocked, surprised and confused looks unable to utter a word at the moment

Diana: Oh Dray *says as she wrapped her arms around him and bursted into tears* I feel soo lost ... I can barely remember anything other than trying to get back to my dorm .... I c-can't even imagine getting .... I-i *says broken between sobs*

Draco: *frowns and continue's to hug her carful of her injuries* shh i'm here for you, i'm so glad your alright. I was so scared i would have lost you. *says as he places kisses all over her face*
Harry, Ron and Hermione watch with wide eyes and dropped jaws.

Soon enough Diana's cheeks go scarlet red and she bursts from tears to giggles as soon as his lips touch her face the first time

Draco smiles a small smile happy that she's feeling better and keeps placing kisses until finally the trio snap out of their state and react to what's going on.
Harry: Get away from my sister Malfoy. *glares at him*
Ron: *nods* yeah, what are you even doing here? *asks glaring as well*
Draco: *finally notices them and just turns his head* That is None of your business. *glares right back at them*

Diana: Just cool your temper Harry. Draco is my best friend and it's his job to make me feel better *says as she pulls Draco to sit on the bed even tho even sitting he was tallen then her and leaned against his chest* Much better *moans as she relaxes since Draco's body was the best muscle releaver she ever knew*

Draco smiles and wraps his arms around her tighter happy that she's feeling better and loves the feeling of her leaning on him and her body against his.
Harry, Ron and Hermione: Say What?! Best Friend?!
Ron: Malfoy seriously?!
Harry: HIM out of all people?! *points at Draco*
Hermione:*nods* are you crazy?
Draco: *scoffs, turns his head to the trio and hardens his glare* yeah well, deal with it.
After that no one ells speaks but Harry, Ron, Hermione and Draco keep glaring at each other.

Diana: I live in the same house as him. What were you expectong? *asks as she moves in Draco's lap sideways as her arms go around his waist while her heab lays down on his shoulder*

Draco smirks at Harry before placing a kiss on Diana's cheek.
Harry: *sighs* anyone BUT him would be fine. But why him out of everyone in that house?

Diana: Because he caress about me, he looks after me, helps me with my homework, listens to me, makes me happy and likes me the way I am with all my flaws *says as she kisses Draco's cheek in return*

Harry: *shares a look with Ron and Hermione before looking back* Him caring about anyone ells beside himself? Your kidding me. *crosses his arms*
Draco is getting more and more annoyed and angry with Harry by the minute but his grip on Diana remains the same.
Hermione: i hate to say it but just look at them.
Harry: No, I am not accepting this, My sister best friends with Malfoy, No.
Ron: *sighs* Harry, i have to agree with Hermione.
Harry: seriously you two? Who's side are you on? *glares a little at them*

Diana: Like it or not I love my best friend enough to agree to every crazy idea he ever gets and I love him enough to not care about your opinion of him. So suck it up before I tell you where yo can stick that ego of your *says as she tightens her grip on Draco's waist*

Draco along with Harry's, Rons and Hermione eyes widen hearing what she said.
Draco: *shocked, surprised and the feeling of pure joy goes threw him as he hugs Diana even tighter and closer* Oh Diana, i'm so happy hearing you say that. I love you as well i always have and always will.
Harry, Ron and Hermione: HUH?!

Diana: As a friend or more then a friend? *asks Draco as she looks in his eyes with hope sparkling in her own eyes*

Draco: *chuckles* i love you as more then a friend. so will you be my girlfriend?
Harry, Ron and Hermione: SAY WHAT?!!

Diana: Yes yes yes yes yes .... 1 000 000 times yes *ways as she jumps on him, ignoring her pain as his back hits the mattres and kisses him all over the face in happiness*

Darco: *laughs and chuckles keeping his arms around her* woah, easy darling, your still injured. I don't want your injuries to get worse, take it easy okay? *says with worry*
Hermione: he's right, you should be carful. *can't help the small smile forming on her face seeing Diana so happy*

Diana: I don't feel well being in here Dray *says as she moves over so she can get up* Can you talk to Madam Pomfrey to let me back in our house? I hate hospital atmosphere

Draco: *smiles and nods* of course, i'll do something even better. *smirks* i'll ask her that we can share my room, you often sleeps in my room anyways and i'll be able to take very good care of you as well. How does that sounds? *winks and smiles at her*
Harry: No way!
Ron: seriously?!
Hermione has her eyes wide and jaw dropped.

Diana: I love you Draco Malfoy *says as she inches closer to his lips*

Draco: I love you more, now and forever. *closes the gap between their lips and kisses her with love and passion*
Meanwhile the trio was watching with wide eyes and dropped jaws still unable to believe what's happening right in front of them, its so shocking that both Ron and Harry FAINT. Hermione jumps startled seeing them faint just like that.
Draco and Diana pull away for a moment having heard a loud sound only to see Ron and Harry on the ground passed out, Shortly they burst out laughing.
Hermione: *sighs and shakes her head before looking at Diana* I'm happy for you Dani and Draco *looks at him* that's my friend take good care of her, i'll take care of these two. *sighs once more before getting out her wand and saying a spell to make Ron and Harry disappear and reappear in their beds in their dorm room* see you two later i guess. *says leaving the room completely*

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