♥♥♥ Ian X Diana Potter (Twin brother-sister) ♥♥♥

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Hermione was talking with her boyfriend Ian in the yard but during their time together she noticed lines across his mouth and cheeks as if he was gagged with a cloth and rope marks around his wrists as they were tied to something the night before

Hermione: Ian what are those marks? *asks curious*

Ian: *hoped she wouldn't notice them and sighs* nothing for you to worry about.

Hermione: *frowns* Ian, i'm your girlfriend you can tell me. *asks encouraging him that its okay*

Ian: *scoffs* i said its nothing and even if i wanted to i don't want to tell you.

Hermione: okay then tell me when you are ready. *says dropping the subject*

That's when a angry scream was heard from the gates and Diana walks out of the school with tears running down her face and her knuckles bloody from slaming her fists into a wall

Ian recognizes the scream and snaps his head to were it comes from upon seeing Diana he rushes over to her yelling her name and upon reaching her takes her in his arms.

Ian: Diana what happend? what's wrong? *asks with worry*

Diana: Ask that dick of a Weasley *says growling before braking into sobs and throwing her arms around Ian's shoulders while hiding her face in his neck*

Just then Ron and Harry walk out of the school as well with Ron looking beat up as a black eye stood out proudly on his face

Ian: *wraps his arm tighter around Diana and waists for Ron and Harry to reach him* What did you do to her Weasley?! *says growling and glaring at Ron*

Ron: I didn't do a thing. It's more like what you did with that whore last night behind my back. Some friend you are *growls as he glares back and crosses his arms over his chest*

Ian: How dare you call her a whore. *his glare hardens much more* If you didn't do anything then why are you beat up. *says with a small smirk on his face*

Meanwhile Hermione being curious about whats going on between her friends and Boyfriend.

Ron: Because your sister has no self control *growls as he glares at Diana as well who sobbed even harder in her twin brother's neck*

Ian: No Control?! *growls louder upon hearing his twin sister sob even harder* Shut your mouth Weasley your upsetting my twin even more and for what? because we fucked?!

Hermione: *her eyes widen upon hearing that and covers her mouth* you had sex with Diana?! *surprised, shocked and disbelief and tears well up in her eyes* Ian tell me its not true...*looks at him with teary eyes and a pleading look*

Harry: Wait... you did that with our sister .... but she's family ... why did you do that? .... it's unnatural and you're in a relationship ... both of you .... why did you mess around when you had other people you could do it with?

Ian: *groans annoyed* do you really think i'm that dumb? Why would a guy fuck a girl? even if we are brother and sister.

Harry: Ian...you can't be serious...

Ian: *scoffs* well i am and i don't care what anyone thinks.

Hermione: Ian...*doesn't know what ells to say from shock, hurt, disbelief*

Ian: *turns his attention back to his twin in his arms* come on Diana lets get those wounds on your fists healed. *says picking her up and walks away from Harry, Ron and Hermione without so much as giving them a glance or word*

During this Draco Malfoy was standing by the gate and decided to try befriending the elder Potter brother by offering his help

Ian: what help would you be to us? also your a Malfoy arn't you? shouldn't hate and despise us? *aks a little confused and raises an eyebrow*

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