♥♥♥ Ian Potter X Diana Riddle: The Aftermath Of A Cruel Night ♥♥♥

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As Ian woke up he could barely remember where he was or what happened last night but as soon as he saw his best friend Diana in his arms, everything clicked in his mind.
Starting from the arguement Ian overheard between her and his girlfriend Hermione in which Hermione tried to force Diana into never speaking to Ian ever again and ending her friendship with him to the point in which Ian had to force Diana into kissing him which let to them having sex as a result of his attempt to save her life after Diana tried to kill herself in the girls bathrooms, by cutting her wrists and overdosing herself with pills against depression he never knew she owned.

Ian: *smiles a little, places light kisses on Diana wherever he can reach while also tightening his grip around her and thinks* i still cant believe what happend, how dares Hermione *glares at the wall and thinks* i'll make sure not to leave Diana side ever when "she" around.

His kisses tho causes Diana to giggle in her sleep before a smile graces her face and her eyes slowly start to flutter open

Ian: *smiles more seeing her eyes open and a smile on her face* Good morning beautiful.

Diana giggles again as her nose brushes against Ian's when she looks up at him
Diana: Good morning handsome *says in a sleepy but gentle vice as she reaches a hand out and places it on Ian's left cheek and caresses it with care*

Ian keeps smiling as he places his hand over hers and try's not to cry at the thought of almost having lost her

Diana: For a moment I was scared you were going to be gone when I woke up and everything would have been just a sad dream *says as her eyes tear up and her nakes breasts press to his bare chest*

Ian: Leave you after everything? No i will never leave you no matter what. *holds her as close and tight as he can and kisses both her cheeks*

Diana: What abour your girlfriend tho? *asks in fear of loosing him even bigger now when she realized he was still into a relationship*

Ian: *smiles gently* there is no need to worry about that okay? i'll deal with her. *says "her" with venom in his voice*

Diana's eyes then fall to his lips, wishing they were against her own again even if it was for the last time which makes her eyes more sad due to the memories of him having to look for a new girlfriend which she thought would never be her

Ian sees her eyeing his lips and swiftly places his lips on hers kissing her with an emotions that's burning deep inside of him.

Diana kisses him back with hunger and moans as both of her arms snake around his neck, loving the feeling of being as close to him as possible ... well at least before a LOUD KNOCK made them both jump in surprise but fortunately it was just their best friend Conner Malfoy who allowed Ian to enter the Slytherin common room the night before

Ian: Were Up and awake Conner. *says back keeping Diana against him*

Conner: Geez you don't say. Most of us thought you could have actually decided to sleep in after keeping ALL OF US UP LAST NIGHT

Ian: Sorry?

Diana: Ian the girls drms are not sound proof.

Ian: Right, i'll keep that in mind next time.

Conner: Snape was forced to remove the spell for safety after the last attacks you dimwit. Besides that I'm waiting for you with Draco by the common room door, so hurry up *says as he finally leaves Diana's door*

Ian: *rolls his eyes and mumbles something under his breath* yeah, yeah. *sighs* it would seems that its best to get up, get dressed and get going. So we don't make Conner and Draco wait to long. *says to Diana annoyed that Conner ruined his moment with her*

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