♥♥♥ Diana Potter X Draco Malfoy: Caught In The Crossfire ♥♥♥

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It was a few weeks before he Christmas Ball when Diana entered the Great Hall humming a holiday tune, hoping to not find her brother in another fight but sadly no luck for her there since the first thing she saw was her brother in a heated arguement with none other than Draco Malfoy. Diana growled and rolled her eyes before starting to walk towards them and stopping a few feet away which was a safe distance for her to whistle without making either of them deaf

upon hearing a whistle both males snap their heads in the direction of where it came from and both start to smile upon seeing said female.
Harry and Draco: Diana! *grin before sending each other a nasty glare*

Diana: I suggest a 5 feet distance before I jinx of you *says as she aims her wand between them*

Both their eyes widen and to most even Hermione, Ron and Harry. Draco does what Diana said.
you can hear Draco's friends gasp seeing this.
Pansy: Draco, what are you doing? *asks confused, shocked and surprised*

Draco just ignores Pansy and has his attention on Diana giving Harry another reason to send him another glare.

Diana then move closer to them and places her hands on her hips as she stands close but not all the way between them
Diana: Now would someone explain what this is all about?

Harry: *sighs and looks at Diana having calmed down for now* Someone said something about you and Malfoy *shoots a glare at said male* was going to embarrass you.
Draco: *glares back while saying* That's what YOU think i was going to do Potter.
Hermione and Ron share looks and sigh sins they should have bin used to this by now.

Diana: First of all Draco would NEVER do that *says as she crosses heer arms over her chest* And second, what was said about me that annoyed both of you soo much? *asks Draco as she looks at him in wonder*

Draco: *turns his glare away from Harry and turns his eyes to Diana* you being called a slut and not only that but an easy pray for 80% of the males here. *tells her growling softly still angry and pissed off about it*

Diana: Is that it? *asks as she raises her eyebrows in surprise* Rumors like that go around the school about me everyday. The fact that you're hearing about this now is what's really surprising here in my opinion

Harry: um..yeah well...wait your not bothered by it?
Draco: not at all? you just let them spread rumors like that about you?
for once in there lives Draco and Harry agree with one another.
Ron: is it just me...
Hermione: or did those two agree on something?
Pansy: i think they did. *shocked and surprised*

Diana: Well thats how society works boys. I'm a female and its bound to happen and in case you don't know rumors are spread for everyone in this school. Even the two of you on daily bases *says as a matter of fact*

Draco and Harry: *shrug* true.
Ron: okay, this is just weird. *looks between Draco and Harry as he says this*

Diana: What's weird is that none has realized I'm on first name bases with Draco *says as she gigles and leans her back against Draco's chest*

Draco chuckles and wraps his arms around her waist letting her lean on him.
Hermione face palms at how stupid they all are being today not having noticed that.
Harry: you have got to be kidding me! Diana i TOLD you to STAY AWAY from Malfoy not befriend him?! *asks not happy about it*
Hermione and Ron stay quit knowing better then to interfere right now.

Diana: And you do realize that since I live in his house, it's safer to stay around him since he's the best in it who's able to protect me fully, don't you?

Draco smirks seeing the shock and surprise look on Diana's brothers face who realizes she's right but that doesn't mean he will leave it be right now.
Harry: even so, its not good for you to hang out with HIM out off all people.
Draco rolls his eyes having seen this coming.

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