♥♥♥ Ian Potter X Diana Riddle: My Best Friend Was Always The Better Choice ♥♥♥

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Harry, Ron and Hermione were searching high and low for Harry's older brother Ian all day but couldn't find him.
At the end of it tho after their last class for the day Jolien, Hermione's younger sister, led them to the yard where Ian was sitting on a bench with none other than Diana Riddle, You-Know-Who's only daughter, on his lap, wipping away fresh blood from his lips while giggling at the hickeys she had made earlier that day on his neck. Meanwhile an angered Draco Malfoy was storming away with his goons while Diana glared after him and growled because of what he did to Ian before her eyes, even tho he didn't know she had returned earlier than planned.

Ron, Harry and Hermione: There you are!! *say reaching Diana and Ian*
Harry: wait, Ian what are you doing with "her" ? *say narrowing his eyes at Diana*
Jolien: *rolls her eyes* their friends obviously.
the trio: FRIENDS?!! *yell shocked, surprised and in disbelief*
Ron: Ian are you crazy?!
Hermione: *nods* you do realize who's child she is?!

Diana: Why in Merlin's bird would he care who my father is? *growlsa at them before she feels Ian's arms wrap rightly around her waist and she looksat him iin the eyes*

Ian: *smiles looking back into hers* ignore them Diana.
Jolien: *nods* hey Ian what happend to you? *asks ignoring the looks she gets*
Ian: just got into a fight with Draco.
Jolien: wow...really?
Ian hums a yes.

Diana: I had to stop Draco from bulling Ian and dumped him shortly after that *says as she finishes wiping Ian's no longer bloody lips*

Jolien: seriously? is that the only thing that Malfoy can do... bully people? *asks annoyed crossing her arms* also good thing you did. *says to Diana*
Meanwhile her sister, Harry and Ron are looking at her with wide eyes and jaws dropped
Hermione: Jolien, WHAT are you doing talking to "her"? *ask shocked and surprised*
Jolien: *sighs* i can be friends with anyone i want.

Diana: Best friends for that matter. We have all been that since we came here *says as she moves besides Ian but has her arms hugging one of is which she sits next to*

Jolien: *smiles, nods and giggles* yes, that's right. *says taking a seat on Ian's other side*
Ian: *smiles and blushes lightly* best friends forever like they say.

Diana giggles before pressingher lips to his cheek just as the other now notice the hickeys on Ian's neck

Harry: are those...*his eyes widen having only now seen them*
Ron and Hermione: HICKEYS?!! *yell surprised and shocked*
Jolien: *sighs and shakes her head at how slow they sometimes are to notice things* what ells would they be.
Ian doesn't say anything to Hermione, Ron and Harry and just ignores them

Diana: Well we might have gotten a bit carried away earlier *says as she rubs her nose in Ian's*

Ian Eskimo kisses her back with a smile on his face and a light blush
Jolien: *giggles* that i noticed.
Harry: i cant believe it...
Ron and Hermione: neither can we.
Harry: i think i'm gonna be sick...
Hermione and Ron: *share a look nod and look back at Harry* lets go back inside. *say as they guide Harry back inside*
Hermione: *stops for a moment, turns around and looks at her sister* are you coming?
Jolien: nope, i'm staying right here with the love birds. *says teasing Ian and Diana*
Hermione sighs knowing she cant change Jolien's mind, turns back around and walks with Ron and Harry back inside


2 weeks later everything had cooled down and Draco even apologized to which Ian didn't hesitate to givve him another chance. Soon after that Draco's older brother Conner started hanging around with Jolien, Diana and Ian which lead to them actually sitting on the same table but for 4 since they became an example of how 4 people from 4 different houses could get along.
Then suddenly on one Sunday morning the trio came to them wanting to speak with Ian to which Conner whispered something in his ear before Ian joined them by a tree not to far away from his friends

Harry, Ron and Hermione after a moment reach Ian and the others.
Harry: brother can i talk to you?
Ian: sure, what is it? *shrugs as he says that*
Ron: well...
Hermione: we noticed how you take an interest in dark magic.
Ian: yeah, so? what off it?
the trio chare looks before speaking up again.
Ron: any reason why?
Harry and Hermione: its her fault isn't. *narrow their eyes and motion to Diana*
Ian: *upon hearing that narrows his eyes right back at them* leave her out of this...what does it matter anyway?
Harry: Brother its DARK magic.

During this Conner was making the girls laugh by pulling jokes and loooking every now and then to Ian as he waited to see if he's needed or not

Ian sighs and sends Conner a signal with his eyes that he could use some help with his younger brother and his friends.

Conner nods and tells the girls he will be right back after he fishes Ian back to them which makes them laugh even more then he mimics it as well

Jolien: *nods and understands* he's making my stomach and cheeks hurt *says to Diana between laughs*

Diana: Mine too but Ian does it a lot worse when he tickles me

Jolien: *giggles* i believe that. Poor guy his brother, My sister and their friend just wont leave him alone. *sighs looking at the trio arguing with Ian and Conner who has his back*
Ron: dark magic are you crazy?
Hermione: *nods* its not called dark magic for nothing.
Harry: their right...are you out off your mind?!

Conner: Are you 3 finishes lecturing my best friend? Cause we would love to have him back

Harry: your best friend?!
Ron: you have got to be kidding me?!
Hermione: Ian, you cant be best friends with him your a Potter.
Ian: yeah and?
Harry: *sighs* we should and could NEVER be friends with a Malfoy.
Ron: on anther note...
Hermione: who's we?
Conner: how about your own sister and an other best friend of his that you three will just complain about. *crosses his arms*


Conner: *his eyes widen a little* SORRY!! *yells back afraid that she might actually do that*
Jolien burst out laughing once again hearing what Diana yells and Conner's reaction to it.


Conner: RIGHT. *yells back before looking at Ian* Come on Ian, ignore them and lets join the girls.
Ian nods and smiles as both of them walk back to Diana and Jolien.
Harry, Ron and Hermione are left speechless and cant think of anything at all.

Meanwhile Diana and Jolien wait on their feet before Diana pulls Ian in her arms and Jolien pulls Conner, both missing them even tho they were gone for a minute

Both males chuckle and smile wrapping their arms around both girls and kissing their cheeks.

the trio's eyes widen, share a look before looking back no words leave them as they watch with shock, surprise, disbelief.

Shortly after that Diana slams her lips against Ian and her arms snake around his neck while Jolien presses her lips to Conner's and hugs him around the shoulders as he picks her off the ground and spins her around in circles

Ian and Conner smile kissing both girls back without much thinking and lets their feelings flow out threw the kiss.
as for the trio well...
Harry: i cant believe this...My brother with, with...i think i'm gonna puke.
Hermione: you think your the only one? My sister with a Malfoy? *faints*
Ron: *can catch her just in time* Hermione?!
Harry: lets get out of here before I faint as well.
Ron nods, picks up Hermione and leaves the room with Harry as fast as they can.

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