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Smart clever and creative lives in a apartment he shares with is best friend crystal. Loves art and is trying to get into a museum in town.


Smart funny and has a small crush on ink. Went to school with ink befor he moved. Love music and helping people. Plays at concerts and preforms at other places.


A young chef works in a bakery and loves his friends. Is shy and cute and innocent. Loves his friends and brother.


Smart kind and love her friends. Works at a art school helping kids. Shares apartment with ink. And loves art and creative. Loves animals 


A tsundere and loves reading is very smart but dose not trust anyone but his friends.


A wanted criminal and wanted for ciber hacking and multiple crimes around the city. Enjoy spying on the places he plans to rob or people he plans on hacking. Extremely fast and smart . Is very  possessive.


A wanted criminal known for robbery and many other crimes. Know for his dark form but never caught because of his dark nightmare powers and ability to summon fears allusion. Smart and fast. Is very rude at times but likes animals.


A know murder and thief. Weapon of choice Is a knife. He is slightly crazy.  Is clever and fast.


Smart fast and extremely athletic and  agile. Uses a giant knife and talks to himself on occasion. Enjoy reading. Known for stealing and broke out of prison form two towns over.


Fast and athletic. Slightly crazy and is wanted for murder and theft. Uses an axe  


Know pervert and thief.


Wanted for murder and theft and escapeing prison. Fast and has a very good sense of direction. Uses a knife


A slight perv and uses a   Siyth like geno.


A wanted for many thing including theft and robbery and murder and selling illegal things.  Fast and kinda smart knows a lot about the people in the city keeps a close eye on ink because of error.

Crime and loveDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora