The meeting

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Crystal p.o.v

After my interview I visited dream to see if he's alright. I walk to his home and knock on the door, he opens the door with a some. Hi crystal how did your interview go he asks. Great I think I might get the job I say. That's great he says. So where the teacher nice he asks. Kinda I don't think anyone likes me I say, I am sure they need to get to know you dream says. Ok I say. Hear have some tea he says, thank you I say sipping the tea. Are you alright I ask. Yes just I wasn't expecting the cops and criminal showing up he says, niter was i i say,  it's ok but be careful he says. Why I ask, it's not safe to walk alone he says. I know but I know karate I say. These criminals are very dangerous he says. Ok I will be careful I say. Thank you he says. Oh it's getting late I have to go I say, bye crystal he says. As I start heading home I feel some tap my shoulder. I turn around and see a dark tall figure I feel a slightly blush cross my face. Hello he says. H hi I say. What's your name he's asks. Crystal I say, nice to meet you crystal I am night he says. It's nice to meet you too I say, do you want to take a late night stroll he asks. Ok but we just met I say. Yes but it's better than walking alone he says, hhhe your right I say. As we walk we pass the park and I see it's open oh  maybe tomorrow we can all go there as a group. So what's a pretty girl like you doing walking alone he asks. I blush  brightly. Oh I was at an interview I say. Really what for night asks, I want to work at the art school as a teacher I say. That a nice goal he says. Thank you I say. No prob princess he says, I blush where are we going I ask. To the docks he says. Cool I say. Once we get there we sit by the dock and chat. What do you do I ask. Um I like to help with sets and props in play he asks. That's nice I say.  I notice that is getting darker and the sun setting. This is beautiful I say, not as beautiful as you he says. I blush thank you I say. I should get back home i say. I will walk you he says. Ok I say. Once we get close he push me onto the wall. What are you doing I ask. Nothing but meet me at the docks tomorrow he says. Ok I say. Remember to come  closer to sunset he says, I node and he kisses my cheek. Night he says running off. I blush deeply and return to our room. I hope ink gets back soon it's getting dark and I don't want him to get hurt, and I should tell him what happed.

Ink p.o.v 

After  my interview I notice that the sun is setting. Oh  my that was a long interview. I start walking home and see that the park is opean again,I run into it as  sit by the fountain. This is such a pretty view. I grab my sketchbook and start drawing the sight I see. I keep drawing until I hear a voice. That's a nice drawing it says, who's there I ask. Just me a voice says, I turn to see a figure. Hi I say.  Hi they say, who are you I ask, I am e he says. Ok I am ink I say. He sits down next to me. That's a pretty drawing he says. Thank you I say, he puts hi arm on my shoulder and pulls me close. So why are you hear so late at night e asks, i had an interview for the museum I say. Cool I work in tech e says, nice I say, so your trying to get into the art museum right e asks. Yep I can make a lot selling my art I say, nice well I think you will get in e say. Aww thank you I say.  I think your amazing he says, your so nice i say, why are you out hear I ask. Last night the place was closed because of the police e says. Ok I say, I am hear because it's beautiful and quiet I say. Cool e says. It's late how about I walk you home e says. Sure I say. Once we get close he pushes me against the how about you and me meet in the park tomorrow night some time e says. Sure I say, good he says kissing my forehead. He runs of and I rush In. Crystal guess what I say, what she asks. I met someone I say really me too she says. He's name is e and he kissed my head I say, aww she says, who did you meat I ask. Night she says and he kissed my cheek she says. Aww i say. We are meeting tomorrow I say, really me too she say, yay we have romantic interests like blue dream and geno crystal says,  yep remember when dream told us about his date with his mysterious fluffy friend I say. Yep he said he came in and didn't leave his concert until everyone was gone so he could talk to him then he asked him out.  Hhee that was so romantic I say. Or when blue told us about the guy covered in fake dust came and stayed last closing just to tell him his cooking was amazing. He that's so sweet. Yep geno is scared to admit that he liked that guy he told us about I say.  Yep he's a tsundere crystal says, but he did say the dark guy was really flirty I add. Well yhawn I am heading to bed crystal says. Night she says  night I say walking to my bed and falling asleep.

Error p.o.v

This was amazing I say, you had fun didn't you night asks. Yep how bout you I ask. Wonderful he says, ok tomorrow we talk to everyone about bringing our special guest hear I say, night says walking off. Fresh come hear I ask. What my bro he asks, can you keep an eye on someone for me I ask, sure who bro he ask. Ink I say. Ink of course I can he says smirking. He's so cute I say walking off. 

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