New city and old friends

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Ink p.o.v

I stare out the window at the city I can't believe I actually have a chance to be in a museum. Ink where's the apartment crystal asks as she stops at the light. Oh it's a few blocks up I say.  Ok she says as she drives up to a very tall but dark building. Umm ink this place looks kinda shady she says. I know but it's a start plus it's close to the park I say. Ok at least it's within walking distance from the art school she says. It's really cool you got a part time job there I say. I am really excited but let's get the boxes upstairs she says. I nod and we both get out and grab a few boxes and walk in. The lady at the counter look really mad and growled when we approached her. What do you want she says. We are checking in to our room I say. Oh whatever she says as she tosses me the keys. We enter the elevator and go up to are room. We enter and stare at the room. It wasn't horrible but the windows didn't lock and the walls had faded paint witch needed to redun. Wow I am to get the rest of the boxes crystal says befor rushing downstairs. Crystal wait for me I say as I close the door.we bring the rest of the boxes up and sit on the couch that was already brought in from the moving van. I wonder this place will look like when we fix it up she says. It will amazing I say. You bet well witch room do you want she asked. Umm maybe that one I say pointing to the room with a light wood door. Ok then I will take the other room that's next to It she says. I grab my  boxes and set them down. I sit on my bed and lay on the bright rainbow colored  sheets and the pillows I brought have light brown cases. I unpack my easel and put it near the window. I open it and stare at.... the alley way. Wow this such an amazing view.

Time skip to after un packing

Oh my gosh I am exhausted I say. Me too crystal say. Do you wanna grab dinner from the cafe that's a few blocks up crystal aks. Yes please I say grabbing my coat. We walk out of the lobby and pass the worker we saw earlier she was glaring at us. Is she doesn't stop I am going to give her a peic of my mind she says.  Maybe she is just tired I say. We walk to the cafe and as soon as we entered I saw dream and blue my old friend form high school. Dream blue hi crystal shouts. The look at us and shout ink crystal. Dream and blue rush over and Hug us. Oh my starts it's been so long since I seen you inky dream says.  Crystal is has been to longe since we have seen you both blue says. I know I say we just moved in I say. Really where they ask. Oh 23 oke ave I say. What they shout in a worried tone. Is that bad crystal asks. That a very dangerous area because of the criminal gang blue says in a quiet tone. What what I say. You didn't know about the most wanted gang in the city Dream says. Oh that's not good I say. I am sure are apartment is safe crystal says. Wait why are you too in town blue asks. I am trying to get into  a museum and crystal is trying to get a teaching position at the art school I say. Cool oh geno is also in town but he is working at the library Dream says. That's cool I say. I am so happy your hear Dream says. Let's get dinner together crystal says. Ok we say in unison.

A few hours later 

We finish eating and me and crystal wave goodbye to dream and blue. Soo crystal do you want to go to the store and buy paint for the walls I ask. Yes we need to fix those bland walls she says. We start walking and I can't help but feel like we are being watched. I dismiss the feeling and walk inside the store. 

Error p.o.v

I walk out of our hideout with nightmare close behind me. Error where the heck are your going he asked. For a walk to scope out the city I say. We rush up to the old apartment building witch has the worst security ever. We have broken in befor so we know the layout. Hay error there is a moving truck nightmare says. I look over and truck pulls in. I guess we have some new residents to the city I say. I wonder who they are nightmare asks. We wait for a few minutes and a small light blue car pulls in. We watch as a small skeleton and a girl walk out and grab boxes. I stare at the small skeleton and blus slightly. He is so cute wait I don't even know him. I notice nightmare staring at the girl.  Dose somebody have a crush I say. No let's just keep an eye on them he says. We climb to the top of the next building and watch the windows. After a few minutes I see the small skeleton in a window on the fourth floor.  I think your writing  nightmare we should keep an eye on them I say.  They start to leave and we follow them from the shadows. Looks like they are heading to the cafe nightmare says. We watch them eat from are hiding spot and decided to tail until they walk home.  I walk a bit closer and watch as he enters a store Near the park. He is very interesting. Hay error did you see that they where talking to the two people cross and dust stalk he says. Yes I am assuming they know each other I say. Nightmare was about to speak when I see the small skeleton leave with cans of paint. Shut up and lest go I say.

 Ink p.o.v

I grabbed light blue and terqouse paint wile crystal grabbed pink red and a light cafe colored paint. Crystal do you think we are being followed I ask. Well kinda but I am sure are imagination she says. Your right let's get home and paint the walls I say.

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