Meeting fresh

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Ink p.o.v

I wake up and check my phone to see if I got the email. There was nothing. I get dressed and see crystal is sitting at the table. Morning I say. Morning she says. Any news she asks, no what about you I ask . Nothing new she says. Let's go for a walk I say. Ok she says. We head out and walk down stairs. As we exit and as we walk off I see a very colorful dude walks up to us. Hi we say.  I am fresh what you bros name he says, I am ink and this is crystal I say. Hi crystal says. Inkster your adorable fresh says. Oh thank you I say. Eheh crystal giggle. We continue to walk with fresh flowing us. Soo you dues live near hesr he ask. Yep I say. We live in the apartment right there crystal says pointing to the building. Coolo he says. We head for the park with him behind us. So what bring you hear crystal asks. oh  just meeting the new peeps he says, that's nice I say. Welp dude you and you lady bud should be carful at night fresh says. We know criminals are a foot we say, welp you area is extremely dangerous anyone could break your window fresh says,  i supose your right I say, well I could come over and take a  loo at your place Fresh says. Why would you do that crystal ask. Because I can help keep you safe he says with a smile. Well mabey another time crystal says, ok bros fresh says, let's all head to the park gardens I say. Crystal nodes. Sure  I tag along fresh says. As we walk I se fresh is talking to someone on the phone. I shrug and walk off to the garden and sit on a bench. Crystal stars drawing the pound. I pull out my sketch book and draw the garde flowers. Yo dude you rule at art fresh says, thanks I say. You should be in da art gallery he says. Aww that's sweet I actually submitted a peace there I say. Cools fresh says. Wep gots to go fresh says as he walks off. He was a bit strange crystal says. I agree but he seems nice I say.










Fresh p.o.v

I walk back to the base and sit next to error. You bro he's gots a art peace in the gallery and nights gall  has a job up in a art school I heard them talking from there window I say. That's nice he says. No problem I say, well I am going find that peace and see what they do with it. I bet it's amazing error says. Sure bro I am gonn go steal some stuff k I say. Sure just don't get caught he says. I won't never do I say. 

Sorry it's short but next will be longer

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