Chapter XXV - Mother Knows Best

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Lotor awoke to find himself in a bedroom overlooking Oriande. The last time he was here was with Allura. However, he didn't recall a castle or any housing on Oriande, so he was surprised he was in a bed no less. He was changed out of his armor, wearing some sort of sleepwear. He sprung out of the bed and went to the balcony, trying to figure out a way to escape.

"There is no use of an escape, this castle is heavily guarded," stated Honerva.

Lotor turned around to see his mother standing in front of him. She still looked the same with her long white hair, but being on Oriande has made her look a little younger and she had a tiara on.

"So witch you are the Empress of the Alteans. What are you planning to do with me, because I will never be your puppet like father and Sendak were?" shouted Lotor.

"Watch what you say, son, I am still your mother whether you like it or not," exclaimed Honerva.

"You will never be my mother in my eyes. A mother would never let her own husband call their own child a mistake. You let him hurt me all those deca-phoebs ago and I will never forgive not now and not ever," screamed Lotor.

"Well, you will forgive me because I will never let you leave Oriande. What is there out there for you beyond this place. Everyone hates you, I took you off that ship to protect you. I was the one who saved you from your father using the clone. Do you think the real black palidan would ever let you use his bayard? I think not. I manipulated him to let you use it or else your father would have surely killed you and the rest of team Voltron," bellowed Honerva

Lotor cried out "Why did you reject me all those deca-phoebs? Why did you let Zarkon abuse me in front of all the Galra? Even when I had successes, I was never good enough for him. You let him torture me and you stood there and did nothing. You say you saved me from my own father with the help of the clone, but where were you the other times. All you and father cared about was gaining all the quintessence in the universe and living forever and for the record, I do have people that care for me outside Oriande"

"Who the suppose princess who left you to die in the Rift? She wasn't the one who pulled you out of the Rift, it was I who did that. Allura will never love you. She will always see you as Zarkon's bastard son," stated Honerva.

"Stop it, witch, you will never break me. Her love is what keeps strong. I know she will do anything to rescue me." shouted Lotor.

At that moment Lotor went to attack Honerva, but with her alchemy magic forcefully pushed Lotor back to his bed.

"I do not wish to hurt you, but if you keep persisting, I might have too," stated Honerva

Lotor sprang from his bed and said: "You are long past hurting me witch."

"I am your real mother, one day you will realize and be on my side and we will rule the entire universe. You, me and your future wife that I have chosen for you," stated Honerva

"I will never marry anyone other than my beloved Allura. I will never yield to you and be your puppet," cried Lotor.

It was a losing effort for Lotor to try to fight his mother with words. But just then Lotor remembered he and Romelle were taking off the Atlas.

As Honerva was about to exit Lotor's chambers, he stopped to ask about Romelle.

"I know that I was not the only person you took off the Atlas, where is Romelle?" demanded Lotor.

"Romelle she is safe. She is another chamber and is the one I have chosen for your wife," stated Honerva.

"I will never marry her. Also, am I relegated to my chambers or can I move around the castle at my own leisure?" questioned Lotor.

"You may move freely and even visit Romelle, but if any of you try to escape or do anything that would harm my people, you both will be severely punished and I do not want that to come to be," bellowed Honerva.

"Fine, I will honor your request, but let's get one thing straight, I will never call you mother," shouted Lotor.

Honevra exited Lotor's chamber and he fell to his knees crying. All his life he never was wanted by Zarkon or the witch, but all of sudden she wants him now. Lotor knew that Allura and the rest of team Voltron would find a way to save Romelle and himself. For now, he needed to strategize on his own and figure out a way to communicate with Allura. He got dressed with whatever clothes he found in the wardrobe and went to find Romelle.

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